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Better support for higher-order funcs
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LeventErkok committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent f99c05c commit 289a378
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Showing 8 changed files with 172 additions and 77 deletions.
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,15 @@

* Generalize the signatures of the default project-embed implementations of the Queriable class.

* Generalize support for higher-order functions. These are still experimental, as SMTLib's higher-order
function support is nascent. (Version 3 of SMTLib will have proper support for such functions, which
is not released yet.) Currently, SBV can handle higher order versions of any, all, and filter, all
exported from Data.SBV.List module. These functions take as arguments lambda-functions, and SBV
translates them carefully for Z3 and CVC5 which has preliminary support. Proof-support in backend
solvers for higher-order functions is still quite weak, though KnuckleDragger makes things easier.
See Documentation.SBV.Examples.KnuckleDragger.Lists for several examples.
* Generalize support for polyorphic and higher-order functions. These are still experimental, as SMTLib's
higher-order function support is nascent. (Version 3 of SMTLib will have proper support for such functions, which
is not released yet.) Currently, SBV can handle polymorphic and higher-order usage of: 'reverse', 'any', 'all', 'filter',
'map', 'foldl', 'foldr', 'zip', and 'zipWith'; all exported from the 'Data.SBV.List' module. These functions are supported
polymporphically, and (except reverse and zip) all take a function as an argument. SBV firstifies these
functions, and the resulting code is compatible with Z3 and CVC5. (Firstification might change in the
future, as SMTLib gains support for more higher-order features itself.) Proof-support in backend solvers
for higher-order functions is still quite weak, though KnuckleDragger makes things easier. See
Documentation.SBV.Examples.KnuckleDragger.Lists for several examples.

* [BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY] Removed rarely used functions mapi, foldli, foldri from Data.SBV.List. These
can now be defined by the user as we have proper support for fold and map using lambdas.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Model.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2510,7 +2510,7 @@ retrieveConstCode (UICodeC (v, _)) = Just v
-- Plain constants
instance HasKind a => SMTDefinable (SBV a) where
sbv2smt a = do st <- mkNewState defaultSMTCfg (LambdaGen 0)
s <- lambdaStr st (kindOf a) a
s <- lambdaStr st True (kindOf a) a
pure $ intercalate "\n" [ "; Automatically generated by SBV. Do not modify!"
, "; Type: " ++ smtType (kindOf a)
, show s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3273,7 +3273,7 @@ lambdaArray :: forall a b. (SymVal a, HasKind b) => (SBV a -> SBV b) -> SArray a
lambdaArray f = SBV . SVal k . Right $ cache g
where k = KArray (kindOf (Proxy @a)) (kindOf (Proxy @b))

g st = do def <- lambdaStr st (kindOf (Proxy @b)) f
g st = do def <- lambdaStr st True (kindOf (Proxy @b)) f
newExpr st k (SBVApp (ArrayLambda def) [])

-- | Turn a constant association-list and a default into a symbolic array.
Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Symbolic.hs
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Expand Up @@ -541,15 +541,15 @@ data SeqOp = SeqConcat -- ^ See StrConcat
| SeqSuffixOf -- ^ See StrSuffixOf
| SeqReplace -- ^ See StrReplace
-- Polymorphic and higher order functions
| SBVReverse Kind -- ^ reverse k. Where k is either [a] or String. Reverses the argument, accordingly.
| SBVZip Kind Kind -- ^ zip k1 k2. Where we zip [k1] and [k2] to produce [(k1, k2)]
| SBVReverse Kind -- ^ reverse k. Where k is either [a] or String. Reverses the argument, accordingly.
| SBVZip Kind Kind -- ^ zip k1 k2. Where we zip [k1] and [k2] to produce [(k1, k2)]
| SBVZipWith Kind Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ zipWith a b c fun. Where fun :: a -> b -> c, and zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
| SBVMap Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ map a b fun. Where fun :: a -> b, and map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
| SBVFoldl Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ foldl a b fun. Where fun :: b -> a -> b, and foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
| SBVFoldr Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ foldr a b fun. Where fun :: a -> b -> b, and foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
| SBVFilter Kind SMTLambda -- ^ filter a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
| SBVAll Kind SMTLambda -- ^ all a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
| SBVAny Kind SMTLambda -- ^ any a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
| SBVMap Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ map a b fun. Where fun :: a -> b, and map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
| SBVFoldl Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ foldl a b fun. Where fun :: b -> a -> b, and foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
| SBVFoldr Kind Kind SMTLambda -- ^ foldr a b fun. Where fun :: a -> b -> b, and foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
| SBVFilter Kind SMTLambda -- ^ filter a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
| SBVAll Kind SMTLambda -- ^ all a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and all :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
| SBVAny Kind SMTLambda -- ^ any a fun. Where fun :: a -> Bool, and any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data, NFData, Generic)

-- | Show instance for SeqOp. Again, mapping is important.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2284,6 +2284,7 @@ data SMTConfig = SMTConfig {
, ignoreExitCode :: Bool -- ^ If true, we shall ignore the exit code upon exit. Otherwise we require ExitSuccess.
, redirectVerbose :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Redirect the verbose output to this file if given. If Nothing, stdout is implied.
, kdRibbonLength :: Int -- ^ Line length for KD proofs
, firstifyUniqueLen :: Int -- ^ Unique length used for firstified names.

-- | Ignore internal names and those the user told us to
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32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions Data/SBV/Lambda.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,17 +126,35 @@ extractAllUniversals other = error $ unlines [ ""

-- | Generic creator for anonymous lamdas.
lambdaGen :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => (Defn -> b) -> State -> Kind -> a -> m b
lambdaGen trans inState fk f = inSubState inState $ \st -> trans <$> convert st fk (mkLambda st f)
lambdaGen :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => Bool -> (Defn -> b) -> State -> Kind -> a -> m b
lambdaGen allowFreeVars trans inState fk f = inSubState inState $ \st -> handle <$> convert st fk (mkLambda st f)
where handle d@(Defn frees _ _ _)
| allowFreeVars || null frees
= trans d
| True
= error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.Lambda: Detected free variables passed to a lambda."
, "***"
, "*** Free vars : " ++ unwords frees
, "*** Definition: " ++ sh d
, "***"
, "*** In certain contexts, SBV only allows closed-lambdas, i.e., those that do not have any free variables in."
, "***"
, "*** Please rewrite your program to pass the free variable as an explicit argument to the lambda if possible."
, "*** If this workaround isn't applicable, please report this as a use-case for further possible enhancements."

sh (Defn _frees Nothing _ops body) = body 0
sh (Defn _frees (Just params) _ops body) = "(lambda " ++ extractAllUniversals params ++ "\n" ++ body 2 ++ ")"

-- | Create an SMTLib lambda, in the given state.
lambda :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => State -> Kind -> a -> m SMTDef
lambda inState fk = lambdaGen mkLam inState fk
lambda :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => State -> Bool -> Kind -> a -> m SMTDef
lambda inState allowFreeVars fk = lambdaGen allowFreeVars mkLam inState fk
where mkLam (Defn frees params ops body) = SMTLam fk frees ops (extractAllUniversals <$> params) body

-- | Create an anonymous lambda, rendered as n SMTLib string. The kind passed is the kind of the final result.
lambdaStr :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => State -> Kind -> a -> m SMTLambda
lambdaStr st k a = SMTLambda <$> lambdaGen mkLam st k a
lambdaStr :: (MonadIO m, Lambda (SymbolicT m) a) => State -> Bool -> Kind -> a -> m SMTLambda
lambdaStr st allowFreeVars k a = SMTLambda <$> lambdaGen allowFreeVars mkLam st k a
where mkLam (Defn _frees Nothing _ops body) = body 0
mkLam (Defn _frees (Just params) _ops body) = "(lambda " ++ extractAllUniversals params ++ "\n" ++ body 2 ++ ")"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,7 +354,7 @@ toLambda level curProgInfo cfg expectedKind result@Result{resAsgns = SBVPgm asgn
where mkAsgn (sv, e@(SBVApp (Label l) _)) = ((sv, converter e), Just l)
mkAsgn (sv, e) = ((sv, converter e), Nothing)

converter = cvtExp curProgInfo (capabilities (solver cfg)) rm tableMap
converter = cvtExp cfg curProgInfo (capabilities (solver cfg)) rm tableMap

out :: SV
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Data/SBV/List.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ map f l
kb = kindOf (Proxy @b)
klb = kindOf (Proxy @(SList b))
r st = do sva <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st kb f
lam <- lambdaStr st False kb f
let op = SeqOp (SBVMap ka kb lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st klb (SBVApp op [sva])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ foldl f base l
kb = kindOf (Proxy @b)
r st = do svb <- sbvToSV st base

Check warning on line 449 in Data/SBV/List.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / hlint

Suggestion in foldl, foldr in module Data.SBV.List: Reduce duplication ▫︎ Found: "svb <- sbvToSV st base\nsvl <- sbvToSV st l\nlam <- lambdaStr st False kb f\n" ▫︎ Perhaps: "Combine with Data/SBV/List.hs:477:19-40"
svl <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st kb f
lam <- lambdaStr st False kb f
let op = SeqOp (SBVFoldl ka kb lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st kb (SBVApp op [svb, svl])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ foldr f base l
kb = kindOf (Proxy @b)
r st = do svb <- sbvToSV st base
svl <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st kb f
lam <- lambdaStr st False kb f
let op = SeqOp (SBVFoldr ka kb lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st kb (SBVApp op [svb, svl])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ zipWith f xs ys

r st = do svxs <- sbvToSV st xs
svys <- sbvToSV st ys
lam <- lambdaStr st kb f
lam <- lambdaStr st False kb f
let op = SeqOp (SBVZipWith ka kb kc lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st kr (SBVApp op [svxs, svys])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ all f l
| True
= SBV $ SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do sva <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st KBool f
lam <- lambdaStr st False KBool f
let op = SeqOp (SBVAll (kindOf (Proxy @a)) lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp op [sva])
Expand All @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ any f l
| True
= SBV $ SVal KBool $ Right $ cache r
where r st = do sva <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st KBool f
lam <- lambdaStr st False KBool f
let op = SeqOp (SBVAny (kindOf (Proxy @a)) lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st KBool (SBVApp op [sva])
Expand All @@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ filter f l

k = kindOf (Proxy @(SList a))
r st = do sva <- sbvToSV st l
lam <- lambdaStr st KBool f
lam <- lambdaStr st False KBool f
let op = SeqOp (SBVFilter (kindOf (Proxy @a)) lam)
registerSpecialFunction st op
newExpr st k (SBVApp op [sva])
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Data/SBV/Provers/Prover.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ mkConfig s smtVersion startOpts = SMTConfig { verbose = Fals
, ignoreExitCode = False
, redirectVerbose = Nothing
, kdRibbonLength = 40
, firstifyUniqueLen = 6

-- | If supported, this makes all output go to stdout, which works better with SBV
Expand Down

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