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More conservative equality checks
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LeventErkok committed Sep 19, 2024
1 parent 41f0a5e commit 4809621
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Showing 11 changed files with 212 additions and 208 deletions.
53 changes: 15 additions & 38 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Kind.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Data.SBV.Core.Kind (
Kind(..), HasKind(..), constructUKind, smtType, hasUninterpretedSorts
, BVIsNonZero, ValidFloat, intOfProxy
, showBaseKind, needsFlattening, RoundingMode(..), smtRoundingMode
, expandKinds
, eqCheckIsObjectEq
) where

import qualified Data.Generics as G (Data(..), DataType, dataTypeName, dataTypeOf, tyconUQname, dataTypeConstrs, constrFields)
Expand All @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ import GHC.TypeLits

import Data.SBV.Utils.Lib (isKString)

import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as G

-- | Kind of symbolic value
data Kind = KBool
| KBounded !Bool !Int
Expand All @@ -74,25 +76,7 @@ data Kind = KBool

-- Expand such that the resulting list has all the kinds we touch
expandKinds :: Kind -> [Kind]
expandKinds top = nub $ sort $ go top []
where go :: Kind -> [Kind] -> [Kind]
go k@KBool sofar = k : sofar
go k@KBounded{} sofar = k : sofar
go k@KUnbounded sofar = k : sofar
go k@KReal sofar = k : sofar
go k@KUserSort{} sofar = k : sofar
go k@KFloat sofar = k : sofar
go k@KDouble sofar = k : sofar
go k@KFP{} sofar = k : sofar
go k@KChar sofar = k : sofar
go k@KString sofar = k : sofar
go k@KRational sofar = k : sofar
go k@(KList ke) sofar = go ke (k : sofar)
go k@(KSet ke) sofar = go ke (k : sofar)
go k@(KTuple ks) sofar = foldr go (k : sofar) ks
go k@(KMaybe ke) sofar = go ke (k : sofar)
go k@(KEither l r) sofar = foldr go (k : sofar) [l, r]
go k@(KArray i e) sofar = foldr go (k : sofar) [i, e]
expandKinds = nub . sort . G.universe

-- | The interesting about the show instance is that it can tell apart two kinds nicely; since it conveniently
-- ignores the enumeration constructors. Also, when we construct a 'KUserSort', we make sure we don't use any of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,29 +366,22 @@ intOfProxy p
r :: Int
r = fromEnum iv

-- | Is this a type we can safely do equality on? Essentially it avoids floats (@NaN@ /= @NaN@, @+0 = -0@), and reals (due
-- to the possible presence of non-exact rationals.
eqCheckIsObjectEq :: Kind -> Bool
eqCheckIsObjectEq = not . any bad . expandKinds
where bad KFloat = True
bad KDouble = True
bad KFP{} = True
bad KReal = True
bad _ = False

-- | Do we have a completely uninterpreted sort lying around anywhere?
hasUninterpretedSorts :: Kind -> Bool
hasUninterpretedSorts = any check . expandKinds
where check (KUserSort _ Nothing) = True -- These are the completely uninterpreted sorts, which we are looking for here
check (KUserSort _ (Just{})) = False -- These are the enumerated sorts, and they are perfectly fine

-- everything else is OK
check KBool = False
check KBounded{} = False
check KUnbounded = False
check KReal = False
check KFloat = False
check KDouble = False
check KFP{} = False
check KChar = False
check KString = False
check KRational = False
check KList{} = False
check KSet{} = False
check KTuple{} = False
check KMaybe{} = False
check KEither{} = False
check KArray{} = False
check _ = False

instance (Typeable a, HasKind a) => HasKind [a] where
kindOf x | isKString @[a] x = KString
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16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Model.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3239,23 +3239,17 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (SymVal a, SymVal b, SymVal c, SymVal d, SymVal e,
-- | Reading a value from an array.
readArray :: forall key val. (Eq key, SymVal key, SymVal val, HasKind val) => SArray key val -> SBV key -> SBV val
readArray array key
| Just (ArrayModel tbl def) <- unliteral array, Just k <- unliteral key, all safe (key : map (literal . fst) tbl)
| eqCheckIsObjectEq ka, Just (ArrayModel tbl def) <- unliteral array, Just k <- unliteral key
= literal $ fromMaybe def (k `lookup` tbl) -- return the first value, since we don't bother deleting previous writes
| True
= SBV . SVal kb . Right $ cache g
where kb = kindOf (Proxy @val)
= symRes
where symRes = SBV . SVal kb . Right $ cache g
ka = kindOf (Proxy @key)
kb = kindOf (Proxy @val)
g st = do f <- sbvToSV st array
k <- sbvToSV st key
newExpr st kb (SBVApp ReadArray [f, k])

-- If the key is NaN, do not do the look-up! Why? Because NaN /= NaN (which we don't want to distinguish), and also +0 = -0 (which
-- we do want to distinguish.) Sigh.
safe :: SBV a -> Bool
safe (SBV (SVal KFloat (Left (CV KFloat (CFloat f))))) = not (isNaN f || f == 0)
safe (SBV (SVal KDouble (Left (CV KDouble (CDouble f))))) = not (isNaN f || f == 0)
safe (SBV (SVal KFP{} (Left (CV (KFP eb sb) (CFP f))))) = not (isNaN f || f == fpFromInteger eb sb 0)
safe _ = True

-- | Writing a value to an array. For the concrete case, we don't bother deleting earlier entries, we keep a history. The earlier a value is in the list, the "later" it happened; in a stack fashion.
writeArray :: forall key val. (HasKind key, SymVal key, SymVal val, HasKind val) => SArray key val -> SBV key -> SBV val -> SArray key val
writeArray array key value
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155 changes: 68 additions & 87 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Operations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ compareSV op x y
| k == KBool, op == NotEqual, SVal _ (Left xv) <- x, xv == falseCV = y -- false ./= y --> y
| k == KBool, op == NotEqual, SVal _ (Left yv) <- y, yv == falseCV = x -- x ./= false --> x

-- Comparison optimizations if one operans is min/max bit-vector
-- Comparison optimizations if one operand is min/max bit-vector
| op == LessThan, isConcreteMax x = svFalse -- MAX < _
| op == LessThan, isConcreteMin y = svFalse -- _ < MIN

Expand All @@ -373,11 +373,12 @@ compareSV op x y
-- General constant folding, but be careful not to be too smart here.
| SVal _ (Left xv) <- x, SVal _ (Left yv) <- y
= case cCompare k op (cvVal xv) (cvVal yv) of
Nothing -> -- cCompare is conservative on floats. Give those one more chance, only at the top-level. (i.e., if stored under a Maybe/Either/List etc., we'll resort to a symbolic result.)
Nothing -> -- cCompare is conservative on floats. Give those one more chance, only at the top-level.
-- (i.e., if stored under a Maybe/Either/List etc., we'll resort to a symbolic result.)
case (k, cvVal xv, cvVal yv) of
(KFloat, CFloat a, CFloat b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
(KDouble, CDouble a, CDouble b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
(KFP{} , CFP a, CFP b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
(KFloat, CFloat a, CFloat b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
(KDouble, CDouble a, CDouble b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
(KFP{} , CFP a, CFP b) -> svBool (a `cOp` b)
_ -> symResult
Just r -> svBool $ case op of
Equal -> r == EQ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,15 +430,15 @@ cCompare k op x y =
case (x, y) of

-- The presence of NaN's throw this off. Why? Because @NaN `compare` x = GT@ in Haskell. But that's just the wrong thing to do here.
-- So protect against NaN's.
(CFloat a, CFloat b) | not (any isNaN [a, b]) -> Just $ a `compare` b
| True -> Nothing
-- So protect against NaN's. And a similar story for -0/0.
(CFloat a, CFloat b) | any (nanOrZero k) [x, y] -> Nothing
| True -> Just $ a `compare` b

(CDouble a, CDouble b) | not (any isNaN [a, b]) -> Just $ a `compare` b
| True -> Nothing
(CDouble a, CDouble b) | any (nanOrZero k) [x, y] -> Nothing
| True -> Just $ a `compare` b

(CFP a, CFP b) | not (any isNaN [a, b]) -> Just $ a `compare` b
| True -> Nothing
(CFP a, CFP b) | any (nanOrZero k) [x, y] -> Nothing
| True -> Just $ a `compare` b

-- Simple cases
(CInteger a, CInteger b) -> Just $ a `compare` b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,24 +483,29 @@ cCompare k op x y =
_ -> error "cCompare: Unexpected kind in cCompare for tuples"
| True -> error $ "cCompare: Received tuples of differing size: " ++ show (op, length a, length b, k)

-- Arrays and sets only support equality/inequality
-- Arrays and sets only support equality/inequality. And they have object-equality semantics. So
-- if there are any floats or non-exact-rationals down in the index or element kinds, we bail
(CSet a, CSet b) | op `elem` [Equal, NotEqual]
, KSet ke <- k -> case svSetEqual ke a b of
Nothing -> Nothing -- We don't know
Just True -> Just EQ -- They're equal
Just False -> Just $ if op == Equal
then GT -- Pick GT, So equality test will fail
else EQ -- Pick EQ, So in-equality test will fail
| True -> error $ "cCompare: Received unexpected set comparison: " ++ show op
, KSet ke <- k
-> case svSetEqual ke a b of
Nothing -> Nothing -- We don't know
Just True -> Just EQ -- They're equal
Just False -> Just $ if op == Equal
then GT -- Pick GT, So equality test will fail
else EQ -- Pick EQ, So in-equality test will fail
| True
-> error $ "cCompare: Received unexpected set comparison: " ++ show (op, k)

(CArray a, CArray b) | op `elem` [Equal, NotEqual]
, KArray k1 k2 <- k -> case svArrEqual k1 k2 a b of
Nothing -> Nothing -- We don't know
Just True -> Just EQ -- They're equal
Just False -> Just $ if op == Equal
then GT -- Pick GT, So equality test will fail
else EQ -- Pick EQ, So in-equality test will fail
| True -> error $ "cCompare: Received unexpected array comparison: " ++ show op
, KArray k1 k2 <- k
-> case svArrEqual k1 k2 a b of
Nothing -> Nothing -- We don't know
Just True -> Just EQ -- They're equal
Just False -> Just $ if op == Equal
then GT -- Pick GT, So equality test will fail
else EQ -- Pick EQ, So in-equality test will fail
| True
-> error $ "cCompare: Received unexpected array comparison: " ++ show (op, k)

_ -> error $ unlines [ ""
, "*** Data.SBV.cCompare: Bug in SBV: Unhandled rank in comparison fallthru"
Expand All @@ -521,66 +527,41 @@ cCompare k op x y =
| True
= error $ "Mismatching kinds in lexicographic comparison: " ++ show (k1, k2)

-- Is this a simple plain kind? What I mean by this is that what's stored inside is sufficiently
-- simple so that I can rely on equality checks to be legit for these guys. Note that this function
-- is called on the ELEMENTS of a set or index/element kinds of an array, so
-- if we find a complicated index in an array, we stop.
canDoEqChecks :: Kind -> Bool
canDoEqChecks = all check . expandKinds
where check KBool = True
check KBounded{} = True
check KUnbounded = True
check KUserSort{} = True
check KChar = True
check KString = True
check KMaybe{} = True
check KRational = True
check KEither{} = True

check KReal = False -- In case we have an algebraic real, we can't do the check in CV-land. Unlikely, but possible.
check KList{} = False -- Let's not deal with anything that's recursive
check KSet{} = False -- Ditto
check KTuple{} = False -- Ditto
check KArray{} = False -- Ditto
check KFloat = False -- Let's not bother with NaN, +/-0 etc., and defer to the solver
check KDouble = False -- Ditto
check KFP{} = False -- Ditto

-- | Set equality. We return Nothing if the result is too complicated for us to concretely calculate.
-- Why? Because the Eq instance of CVal is a bit iffy; it's designed to work as an index into maps, not as
-- a means of checking this sort of equality
svSetEqual :: Kind -> RCSet CVal -> RCSet CVal -> Maybe Bool
svSetEqual k sa sb
| not (canDoEqChecks k)
= Nothing
| RegularSet a <- sa, RegularSet b <- sb
= Just $ a == b
| ComplementSet a <- sa, ComplementSet b <- sb
= Just $ a == b
| True
= Nothing

-- | Array equality. Since we don't store arrays concretely, we turn this into a symbolic check in all but trivial cases.
-- Also, see the note above for 'svSetEqual'.
svArrEqual :: Kind -> Kind -> ArrayModel CVal CVal -> ArrayModel CVal CVal -> Maybe Bool
svArrEqual k1 k2 (ArrayModel asc1 def1) (ArrayModel asc2 def2)
| not (all canDoEqChecks [k1, k2])
= Nothing
| True
= let keysMatch = and [k `lookup` asc1 == k `lookup` asc2 | k <- nub (sort (map fst (asc1 ++ asc2)))]
defsMatch = def1 == def2

-- Check if keys cover everything. Clearly, we can't do this for all kinds; but only finite ones
-- For the time being, we're retricting ourselves to bool only. Might want to extend this later.
complete = case k1 of
KBool -> all (\k -> k `elem` map fst asc1 && k `elem` map fst asc2) (map (cvVal . mkConstCV KBool) [0, 1 :: Integer])
_ -> False

in case (keysMatch, defsMatch, complete) of
(False, _ , _) -> Just False -- keys mismatch. Nothing else matters.
(True, True, _) -> Just True -- keys match, def matches; so all is good. Complete doesn't matter.
(True, False, True) -> Just True -- keys match, but defs don't. But we keys are complete, so def mismatch is OK
_ -> Nothing -- otherwise, we don't really know. So, remain symbolic.
nanOrZero KFloat (CFloat v) = isNaN v || v == 0
nanOrZero KDouble (CDouble v) = isNaN v || v == 0
nanOrZero (KFP eb sb) (CFP v) = isNaN v || v == fpFromInteger eb sb 0
nanOrZero knd _ = error $ "Unexpected arguments to nanOrZero: " ++ show knd

-- | Set equality. We return Nothing if the result is too complicated for us to concretely calculate.
-- Why? Because the Eq instance of CVal is a bit iffy; it's designed to work as an index into maps, not as
-- a means of checking this sort of equality
svSetEqual :: Kind -> RCSet CVal -> RCSet CVal -> Maybe Bool
svSetEqual ek sa sb
| eqCheckIsObjectEq ek, RegularSet a <- sa, RegularSet b <- sb = Just $ a == b
| eqCheckIsObjectEq ek, ComplementSet a <- sa, ComplementSet b <- sb = Just $ a == b
| True = Nothing

-- | Array equality. See above comments.
svArrEqual :: Kind -> Kind -> ArrayModel CVal CVal -> ArrayModel CVal CVal -> Maybe Bool
svArrEqual k1 k2 (ArrayModel asc1 def1) (ArrayModel asc2 def2)
| not (all eqCheckIsObjectEq [k1, k2])
= Nothing
| True
= let -- Use of lookup is safe here, because we already made sure equality is *not* problematic above
keysMatch = and [key `lookup` asc1 == key `lookup` asc2 | key <- nub (sort (map fst (asc1 ++ asc2)))]
defsMatch = def1 == def2

-- Check if keys cover everything. Clearly, we can't do this for all kinds; but only finite ones
-- For the time being, we're retricting ourselves to bool only. Might want to extend this later.
complete = case k1 of
KBool -> all (\key -> key `elem` map fst asc1 && key `elem` map fst asc2) (map (cvVal . mkConstCV KBool) [0, 1 :: Integer])
_ -> False

in case (keysMatch, defsMatch, complete) of
(False, _ , _) -> Just False -- keys mismatch. Nothing else matters.
(True, True, _) -> Just True -- keys match, def matches; so all is good. Complete doesn't matter.
(True, False, True) -> Just True -- keys match, but defs don't. But we keys are complete, so def mismatch is OK
_ -> Nothing -- otherwise, we don't really know. So, remain symbolic.

-- | Equality.
svEqual :: SVal -> SVal -> SVal
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