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Fixes #677
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Actually, this is OK; in C `bool` is supported via `stdbool.h`; with proper arithmetic; so mapping `SWord 1` to `bool` is OK. With `SInt 1`, we don't get the same luxury, unfortunately.

Took advantage of this to improve the error messages in the C compiler.
  • Loading branch information
LeventErkok committed Nov 20, 2023
1 parent 592d595 commit e83e287
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 11 deletions.
31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions Data/SBV/Compilers/C.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ data SBVToC = SBVToC

instance CgTarget SBVToC where
targetName _ = "C"
translate _ = cgen
translate _ = cgen

-- Unexpected input, or things we will probably never support
die :: String -> a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,9 @@ pprCWord :: HasKind a => Bool -> a -> Doc
pprCWord cnst v = (if cnst then text "const" else empty) <+> text (showCType v)

-- | Almost a "show", but map "SWord1" to "SBool"
-- which is used for extracting one-bit words.
-- which is used for extracting one-bit words. This is OK since C's `bool` type
-- handles arithmetic fine, and maps nicely to our `SWord 1`. (Same isn't true for `SInt 1`, which
-- doesn't have an easy counter-part on the C side.
showCType :: HasKind a => a -> String
showCType i = case kindOf i of
KBounded False 1 -> "SBool"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +264,6 @@ showSizedConst _ i t@(False, 32) = text $ chex False True t i
showSizedConst _ i t@(True, 32) = text $ chex False True t i
showSizedConst _ i t@(False, 64) = text $ chex False True t i
showSizedConst _ i t@(True, 64) = text $ chex False True t i
showSizedConst _ i (True, 1) = die $ "Signed 1-bit value " ++ show i
showSizedConst _ i (s, sz) = die $ "Constant " ++ show i ++ " at type " ++ (if s then "SInt" else "SWord") ++ show sz

-- | Generate a makefile. The first argument is True if we have a driver.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,22 +453,24 @@ genCProg cfg fn proto (Result pinfo kindInfo _tvals _ovals cgs topInps (_, preCo
= error $ "SBV->C: Unbounded integers are not supported by the C compiler."
++ "\nUse 'cgIntegerSize' to specify a fixed size for SInteger representation."
| KString `Set.member` kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Strings are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Strings"
| KChar `Set.member` kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Characters are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Characters"
| any isSet kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Sets (SSet) are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Sets (SSet)"
| any isList kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Lists (SList) are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Lists (SList)"
| any isTuple kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Tuples (STupleN) are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Tuples (STupleN)"
| any isMaybe kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Optional (SMaybe) values are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Optional (SMaybe) values"
| any isEither kindInfo
= error "SBV->C: Either (SEither) values are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"
= notyet "Either (SEither) values"
| isNothing (cgReal cfg) && KReal `Set.member` kindInfo
= error $ "SBV->C: SReal values are not supported by the C compiler."
++ "\nUse 'cgSRealType' to specify a custom type for SReal representation."
| not (null unsupportedBVs)
= error $ "SBV->C: Unsupported bit-vector type(s): " ++ intercalate ", " (map show unsupportedBVs)
| not (null usorts)
= error $ "SBV->C: Cannot compile functions with uninterpreted sorts: " ++ intercalate ", " usorts
| hasQuants pinfo
Expand All @@ -482,7 +485,9 @@ genCProg cfg fn proto (Result pinfo kindInfo _tvals _ovals cgs topInps (_, preCo
= tbd "User specified arrays"
| True
= ([pre, header, post], flagsNeeded)
where asserts | cgIgnoreAsserts cfg = []
where notyet m = error $ "SBV->C: " ++ m ++ " are currently not supported by the C compiler. Please get in touch if you'd like support for this feature!"

asserts | cgIgnoreAsserts cfg = []
| True = origAsserts

usorts = [s | KUserSort s _ <- Set.toList kindInfo, s /= "RoundingMode"] -- No support for any sorts other than RoundingMode!
Expand All @@ -492,6 +497,10 @@ genCProg cfg fn proto (Result pinfo kindInfo _tvals _ovals cgs topInps (_, preCo

header = text "#include" <+> doubleQuotes (nm P.<> text ".h")

unsupportedBVs = [k | k@(KBounded sg sz) <- Set.toList kindInfo, (not . supported) (sg, sz)]
where supported (False, sz) = sz `elem` [1, 8, 16, 32, 64]
supported (True, sz) = sz `elem` [ 8, 16, 32, 64]

post = text ""
$$ vcat (map codeSeg cgs)
$$ extDecls
Expand Down

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