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Keep track of contexts
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Fixes #71
  • Loading branch information
LeventErkok committed Nov 27, 2023
1 parent 531e522 commit f957c60
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Showing 3 changed files with 118 additions and 28 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Data/SBV/Compilers/C.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ genCProg cfg fn proto (Result pinfo kindInfo _tvals _ovals cgs topInps (_, preCo
where static = if location == -1 then text "static" else empty
location = maximum (-1 : map getNodeId elts)

getNodeId s@(SV _ (NodeId (_, n))) | isConst s = -1
| True = n
getNodeId s@(SV _ (NodeId (_, _, n))) | isConst s = -1
| True = n

genAsgn :: (SV, SBVExpr) -> (Int, Doc)
genAsgn (sv, n) = (getNodeId sv, ppExpr cfg consts n (declSV typeWidth sv) (declSVNoConst typeWidth sv) P.<> semi)
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132 changes: 109 additions & 23 deletions Data/SBV/Core/Symbolic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,13 +75,15 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (MonadWriter)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, toLower)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Kind (Type)

import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime)

import Data.Int (Int64)

import GHC.Stack
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

Expand All @@ -91,14 +93,16 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as LW
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as SW
import qualified Data.IORef as R (modifyIORef')
import qualified Data.Generics as G (Data(..))
import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as G
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IMap (IntMap, empty, toAscList, lookup, insertWith)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (Map, empty, toList, lookup, insert, size)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map (Map, empty, toList, lookup, insert, size, elems)
import qualified Data.Set as Set (Set, empty, toList, insert, member)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S (Seq, empty, (|>), (<|), lookup, elemIndexL)
import qualified Data.Text as T

import System.Mem.StableName
import System.Random

import Data.SBV.Core.Kind
import Data.SBV.Core.Concrete
Expand All @@ -112,13 +116,30 @@ import Data.SBV.Control.Types
import Control.Monad.Fail as Fail

-- | Context identifier. 0 is reserved global context
newtype SBVContext = SBVContext Int64 deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Data, Show)

-- | Global context
globalSBVContext :: SBVContext
globalSBVContext = SBVContext 0

-- | Generate context. We make sure it isn't 0, i.e., the global context
-- The "hope" here is that each time we call this we get a different context number.
-- A random number doesn't necessarily have to do that, but I think the pseudo-generator
-- has a large enough period for this to go through OK.
genSBVContext :: IO SBVContext
genSBVContext = do ctx <- SBVContext <$> randomIO
if ctx == globalSBVContext -- unlikely, but possible
then genSBVContext
else pure ctx

-- | A symbolic node id
newtype NodeId = NodeId { getId :: (Int, Int) } -- Lambda-level, and node-id
newtype NodeId = NodeId { getId :: (SBVContext, Int, Int) } -- Lambda-level, and node-id
deriving (Ord, G.Data)

-- Equality is pair-wise, except we accommodate for negative node-id; which is reserved for true/false
instance Eq NodeId where
NodeId n1@(_, i) == NodeId n2@(_, j)
NodeId n1@(_, _, i) == NodeId n2@(_, _, j)
| i < 0 && j < 0
= i == j
| True
Expand All @@ -140,10 +161,10 @@ instance HasKind SV where
kindOf (SV k _) = k

instance Show SV where
show (SV _ (NodeId (l, n))) = case n of
-2 -> "false"
-1 -> "true"
_ -> prefix ++ 's' : show n
show (SV _ (NodeId (_, l, n))) = case n of
-2 -> "false"
-1 -> "true"
_ -> prefix ++ 's' : show n
where prefix = case l of
0 -> ""
_ -> 'l' : show l ++ "_"
Expand All @@ -164,11 +185,11 @@ forceSVArg (SV k n) = k `seq` n `seq` return ()

-- | Constant False as an 'SV'. Note that this value always occupies slot -2 and level 0.
falseSV :: SV
falseSV = SV KBool $ NodeId (0, -2)
falseSV = SV KBool $ NodeId (globalSBVContext, 0, -2)

-- | Constant True as an 'SV'. Note that this value always occupies slot -1 and level 0.
trueSV :: SV
trueSV = SV KBool $ NodeId (0, -1)
trueSV = SV KBool $ NodeId (globalSBVContext, 0, -1)

-- | Symbolic operations
data Op = Plus
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -622,7 +643,7 @@ instance Show Op where

-- | Quantifiers: forall or exists. Note that we allow arbitrary nestings.
data Quantifier = ALL | EX deriving Eq
data Quantifier = ALL | EX deriving (Eq, G.Data)

-- | Show instance for 'Quantifier'
instance Show Quantifier where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -680,7 +701,7 @@ type Name = T.Text

-- | 'NamedSymVar' pairs symbolic values and user given/automatically generated names
data NamedSymVar = NamedSymVar !SV !Name
deriving (Show, Generic)
deriving (Show, Generic, G.Data)

-- | For comparison purposes, we simply use the SV and ignore the name
instance Eq NamedSymVar where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -829,6 +850,7 @@ instance NFData a => NFData (Objective a) where
-- | A result can either produce something at the top or as a lambda/constraint. Distinguish by inputs
data ResultInp = ResultTopInps ([NamedSymVar], [NamedSymVar]) -- user inputs -- trackers
| ResultLamInps [(Quantifier, NamedSymVar)] -- for constraints, we can have quantifiers
deriving G.Data

instance NFData ResultInp where
rnf (ResultTopInps xs) = rnf xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -949,6 +971,7 @@ instance Show Result where
data ArrayContext = ArrayFree (Either (Maybe SV) String) -- ^ A new array, the contents are initialized with the given value, if any, or the custom lambda given
| ArrayMutate ArrayIndex SV SV -- ^ An array created by mutating another array at a given cell
| ArrayMerge SV ArrayIndex ArrayIndex -- ^ An array created by symbolically merging two other arrays
deriving G.Data

instance Show ArrayContext where
show (ArrayFree (Left Nothing)) = " initialized with random elements"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1142,13 +1165,13 @@ lookupInput f sv ns
| l == 0 = res
| True = Nothing -- l != 0, a lambda var, so we ignore
(l, i) = getId (swNodeId sv)
svs = fmap f ns
res = case S.lookup i ns of -- Nothing on negative Int or Int > length seq
Nothing -> secondLookup
x@(Just e) -> if sv == f e then x else secondLookup
-- we try the fast lookup first, if the node ids don't match then
-- we use the more expensive O (n) to find the index and the elem
(_, l, i) = getId (swNodeId sv)
svs = fmap f ns
res = case S.lookup i ns of -- Nothing on negative Int or Int > length seq
Nothing -> secondLookup
x@(Just e) -> if sv == f e then x else secondLookup
-- we try the fast lookup first, if the node ids don't match then
-- we use the more expensive O (n) to find the index and the elem
secondLookup = S.elemIndexL sv svs >>= flip S.lookup ns

-- | A defined function/value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1186,7 +1209,8 @@ instance NFData SMTDef where
rnf (SMTLam fk frees params body) = rnf fk `seq` rnf frees `seq` rnf params `seq` rnf body

-- | The state of the symbolic interpreter
data State = State { pathCond :: SVal -- ^ kind KBool
data State = State { sbvContext :: SBVContext
, pathCond :: SVal -- ^ kind KBool
, stCfg :: SMTConfig
, startTime :: UTCTime
, rProgInfo :: IORef ProgInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1436,7 +1460,7 @@ lambdaVar = quantVar ALL
newSV :: State -> Kind -> IO NamedSymVar
newSV st k = do ctr <- incrementInternalCounter st
ll <- readIORef (rLambdaLevel st)
let sv = SV k (NodeId (ll, ctr))
let sv = SV k (NodeId (sbvContext st, ll, ctr))
registerKind st k
return $ NamedSymVar sv $ T.pack (show sv)
{-# INLINE newSV #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1553,12 +1577,27 @@ newExpr st k app = do
-- <> as an example.
Just sv | kindOf sv == k -> return sv
_ -> do (NamedSymVar sv _) <- newSV st k
checkConsistent sv e
let append (SBVPgm xs) = SBVPgm (xs S.|> (sv, e))
modifyState st spgm append $ modifyIncState st rNewAsgns append
modifyState st rexprMap (Map.insert e sv) (return ())
return sv
{-# INLINE newExpr #-}

-- | In rare cases, we can get a context mismatch; so make sure the expression is well-formed.
-- This isn't a full solution, but handles the common case (hopefully!)
checkConsistent :: SV -> SBVExpr -> IO ()
checkConsistent lhs (SBVApp _ args) = mapM_ check args
where SV _ (NodeId (lhsContext, lambdaLevel, lhsId)) = lhs
check (SV _ (NodeId (rhsContext, ll, ni)))
| lhsContext `compatible` rhsContext && lambdaLevel >= ll && (lambdaLevel /= ll || lhsId > ni)
= pure ()
| True
= contextMismatchError lhsContext rhsContext (Just (lambdaLevel, lhsId)) (Just (ll, ni))

compatible c1 c2 = c1 == c2 || c1 == globalSBVContext || c2 == globalSBVContext
{-# INLINE checkConsistent #-}

-- | Convert a symbolic value to an internal SV
svToSV :: State -> SVal -> IO SV
svToSV st (SVal _ (Left c)) = newConst st c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1711,7 +1750,12 @@ svMkSymVarGen isTracker varContext k mbNm st = do
let nm = fromMaybe (T.unpack internalName) mbNm
nsv = toNamedSV' sv nm

cv = case [v | (nsv', v) <- env, nsv == nsv'] of
-- Ignore the context equivalence check here. When validating, we are in a different
-- context; so they won't match
same (NamedSymVar (SV _ (NodeId (_, ll1, li1))) _)
(NamedSymVar (SV _ (NodeId (_, ll2, li2))) _) = (ll1, li1) == (ll2, li2)

cv = case [v | (nsv', v) <- env, nsv `same` nsv'] of
[] -> if isTracker
then -- The sole purpose of a tracker variable is to send the optimization
-- directive to the solver, so we can name "expressions" that are minimized
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1813,7 +1857,9 @@ mkNewState cfg currentRunMode = liftIO $ do
asserts <- newIORef []
istate <- newIORef =<< newIncState
qstate <- newIORef Nothing
pure $ State { runMode = rm
ctx <- genSBVContext
pure $ State { sbvContext = ctx
, runMode = rm
, stCfg = cfg
, startTime = currTime
, rProgInfo = progInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1854,6 +1900,25 @@ runSymbolic cfg currentRunMode comp = do
st <- mkNewState cfg currentRunMode
runSymbolicInState st comp

-- | Catch the catastrophic case of context mismatch
contextMismatchError :: SBVContext -> SBVContext -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> Maybe (Int, Int) -> a
contextMismatchError ctx1 ctx2 level1 level2 = error $ unlines $ prefix ++ rest
where prefix | ctx1 /= ctx2 = [ "Data.SBV: Mismatched contexts detected."
, "***"
, "*** Current context: " ++ show ctx1
, "*** Mixed with : " ++ show ctx2
| True = [ "Data.SBV: Mismatched levels detected in the same context."
, "***"
, "*** Refers to: " ++ show level1
, "*** And also : " ++ show level2
rest = [ "***"
, "*** This happens if you call a proof-function (prove/sat) etc."
, "*** while another one is in execution. Avoid such nested calls."
, "*** See for examples."

-- | Run a symbolic computation in a given state
runSymbolicInState :: MonadIO m => State -> SymbolicT m a -> m (a, Result)
runSymbolicInState st (SymbolicT c) = do
Expand All @@ -1862,6 +1927,27 @@ runSymbolicInState st (SymbolicT c) = do
r <- runReaderT c st
res <- liftIO $ extractSymbolicSimulationState st

-- Check that the state wasn't clobbered in any way
let check ctx | ctx == sbvContext st || ctx == globalSBVContext
= pure ()
| True
= contextMismatchError (sbvContext st) ctx Nothing Nothing

-- Collect parts of the state that has an SV in it. unfortunately we can't just do G.universeBi res, because
-- the CV component contains a BigFloat, which doesn't have a Data instance. (And the library doesn't export
-- all the constructors, so we can't do a deriving instance. Sigh.)
mapM_ check $ nub [ctx | NodeId (ctx, _, _) <- G.universeBi $ [s | (_, _, s) <- resObservables res]
++ G.universeBi (resParams res)
++ Map.elems (fst (resConsts res))
++ map fst (snd (resConsts res))
++ G.universeBi (resTables res)
++ G.universeBi (resArrays res)
++ G.universeBi (pgmAssignments (resAsgns res))
++ G.universeBi (resConstraints res)
++ [s | (_, _, s) <- resAssertions res]
++ resOutputs res

-- Clean-up after ourselves
qs <- liftIO $ readIORef $ rQueryState st
case qs of
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions Data/SBV/Lambda.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ inSubState inState comp = do
-- don't really impact anything.
comp State {
-- These are not IORefs; so we share by copying the value; changes won't be copied back
pathCond = share pathCond
sbvContext = share sbvContext
, pathCond = share pathCond
, startTime = share startTime

-- These are shared IORef's; and is shared, so they will be copied back to the parent state
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,7 +299,10 @@ toLambda curProgInfo cfg expectedKind result@Result{resAsgns = SBVPgm asgnsSeq}
walk (cur@(SV _ nd, _) : rest) remaining = map (mkTable . snd) ready
++ [mkLet cur]
++ walk rest notReady
where (ready, notReady) = partition (\(need, _) -> need < getId nd) remaining
where (ready, notReady) = partition (\(need, _) -> need < getLLI nd) remaining

getLLI :: NodeId -> (Int, Int)
getLLI (NodeId (_, l, i)) = (l, i)

-- if we have just one definition returning it, simplify
simpleBody :: [(SV, String)] -> SV -> Maybe String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,7 +335,7 @@ toLambda curProgInfo cfg expectedKind result@Result{resAsgns = SBVPgm asgnsSeq}
(tableMap, constTables, nonConstTablesUnindexed) = constructTables rm consts tbls

-- Index each non-const table with the largest index of SV it needs
nonConstTables = [ (maximum ((0, 0) : [getId n | SV _ n <- elts]), nct)
nonConstTables = [ (maximum ((0, 0) : [getLLI n | SV _ n <- elts]), nct)
| nct@((_, elts), _) <- nonConstTablesUnindexed]

lambdaTable :: String -> Kind -> Kind -> [SV] -> String
Expand Down

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