Processing Tools for IRG photos v1.0.0
This package processes images captured on full spectrum camera with yellow filter. Photographs produced in this manner have three colour channels Infrared Red and Green as opposed to regular natural colour images with Red Green and Blue channels. IRG photos are considered more asthetically appealing when processed so that the Infrared channel is mapped to the Red channel. To make way for this the Red channel is moved to the Green channel and the Green channel to the Blue. Before the channels can be rearranged any Infrared component which as leaked into the other channels is subtracted.
Install python from
You can use this script from the command line python demo.jpg
Additionally on windows you can convert photos by simply dragging supported file(s) onto
in your file explorer
The output files will be saved in the same location as the input. The filename will be prepended with out-
Whitebalanced in photoshop: