This is a .Net Specific version of Omakub.
Omakub turns a fresh Ubuntu installation into a fully-configured, beautiful, and modern web development system by running a single command. That's the one-line pitch for Omakub. No need to write bespoke configs for every essential tool just to get started or to be up on all the latest command-line tools.
Omakub is an opinionated take on what Linux can be at its best.
For standard Omakub, Watch the introduction video and read more at
This is essentially Omakub but with a few extra bits, it will install (Optionally) the following:
- .Net6 SDK
- .Net8 SDK
- Rider
- Datagrip
- GitKraken
To install on a fresh Ubuntu setup. Just run the following in a terminal.
eval "$(wget -qO-"
Please help us improve Omakub's documentation on the basecamp/omakub-site repository.
Omakub is released under the MIT License.
While omakub is purposed to be an opiniated take, the open source community offers alternative customization, add-ons, extras, that you can use to adjust, replace or enrich your experience.