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ansible auth role

This role implements the following auth related functions:

  - users
    - disable root login (highly recommended)
    - users in the "admins" group can become root and can have unix password
    - the "lifesaver" user can become an user of "admins" group (optional)

My use cases:

  - normal case (with my workstation)
    - login in my workstation with a two-factor authentication system (I use yubikey)
    - login in servers only with ssh key (without password) in encripted fs

  - without encripted partition (or with my smartphone)
    - ssh key with password

  - only with a ssh client
    - connect to "lifesaver" user with ssh and strong password
    - "lifesaver" can become one of the admin users using the user's unix password
       with command "sudo -i -u **user-admin**""

Role Variables

  auth_disable_root: false        # disable root login
  auth_sysadmin_users:            # add this users as administrators
   - name: kalos
     uid: 9871
     pass: $6$9AMxXEeqfersx78S$j4oq0TqTBNsjzoy3tXk4hf8h2hfckAZl0KVah6C/IYPqmuDmYUNDOOtfbTJfEo8LJVRlHR7xSi/gOcVQMYQ81
     shell: /bin/bash
       - aaaa
       - bbbb
    - {name: calogero, uid: 5010, pass: PASSWORD, ssh_key: aaaa.. }
    - {name: lillo, uid: 5011, pass: PASSWORD }
  auth_sysadmin_group: admins     # administration group name
  auth_sysadmin_gid: 2000         # administration group GID
  auth_lifesaver: true            # create lifesaver user
  auth_lifesaver_user: lifesaver  # name of "lifesaver" user
  auth_lifesaver_pass: PASSWORD
  auth_lifesaver_uid: 3000
  auth_lifesaver_shell: /bin/rbash

  # use willshersystems.sshd role to configure ssh
  sshd_skip_defaults: true
  sshd_PasswordAuthentication: no
    - Condition: "User lifesaver"
      PasswordAuthentication yes


  1. Simple use, with all features.

    • hosts: example roles:
      • { role: libreit.auth }
  2. Create users with "admins" group.

    • hosts: example


      • { role: libreit.auth, auth_sysadmin_users: [{name: kalos, pass: pass1, uid: 1010}, {name: elisa, pass: pass2, uid: 1011}], auth_sysadmin_group: admins, auth_sysadmin_gid: 1234 }

Exec this playbook with tags:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags users
  1. Create "lifesaver" user.

    • hosts: example


      • { role: libreit.auth, auth_lifesaver: true, auth_lifesaver_user: very_special_user, auth_lifesaver_pass: very_strong_pass, auth_lifesaver_uid: 3000, auth_sysadmin_group: admins}

Exec this playbook with tags:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags lifesaver



Author Information

Calogero Lo Leggio (kalos) - LibreIT