Releases: Life-Pill/pharmacy-manager-web-app
Releases · Life-Pill/pharmacy-manager-web-app
v1.0.1 - Manager Web App
What's Changed
- Implement Login Card Component with Routes by @TheTharz in #1
- Update Dashboard For Manager by @TheTharz in #2
- Update Branch Management Layout and Visuals by @TheTharz in #3
- Enhance Login Functionality and Error Handling by @TheTharz in #4
- Improved Pharmacy Information Retrieval and Loading Experience by @TheTharz in #5
- added he sonarqube integration by @TheTharz in #6
Pull Request: Added Integration Test for Login Using Cypress by @TheTharz in #7
- Implement Cashier CRUD and Resolve Pattern Issues by @TheTharz in #8
- Reconfigure Empty Patterns for Successful Build with Pipeline by @TheTharz in #9
- Feature Enhancement: Cashier Dashboard Updates by @TheTharz in #10
- Implement Branch Management Features With Authentication Flow Fixed by @TheTharz in #12
- Branch Manager and Cashier Management Enhancements by @TheTharz in #13
- deployed by @TheTharz in #14
- baseurl updated by @TheTharz in #15
- updated by @TheTharz in #16
- updated base url by @TheTharz in #17
- config by @TheTharz in #18
- server by @TheTharz in #19
- config by @TheTharz in #20
- cofigure by @TheTharz in #21
- configuration by @TheTharz in #22
- cors by @TheTharz in #23
- corsssss by @TheTharz in #24
- coms by @TheTharz in #25
- Dev by @TheTharz in #26
- Dev by @TheTharz in #27
- added by @TheTharz in #28
- done by @TheTharz in #29
- charts by @TheTharz in #30
- changed ip by @TheTharz in #31
- ip added new one by @TheTharz in #32
- ip changed again by @TheTharz in #33
New Contributors
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