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Jeffrey Scott Flesher edited this page Nov 29, 2020 · 13 revisions

End of Time Recorder Videos

Video is here, the words below are what I will record

Most people do not like to read so they will wait till the Movie comes out, in this case, it is a video series, and as normal, it takes a long time to Animate Videos in Blender, and then I have to write the Audio Script, which is what this is, and read it, and I will put in the background Music I wrote and performed, for this video series, which starts with the End Of Time Recorder, and then My Life as a Military Dog, where I explain all this in more detail, so Step By Step, we will look at this project, and talk about why you might be interested in it, even if you believe this will never happen since the Universe does not care what you believe.

Isaac Newton wrote about many things, the Torah the Bible comes from being the subject he most wrote about, but not Religion, since it only teaches God does not Physically Exist, and since Johannes Kepler proved Christ did not exist in History, or the Torah before the 4th Century, Newton concluded Christ was inserted, and why is clear, Money, the Root of All that is Evil, and it all comes down to Words and Spells, and Newton was a Wizard and Halley was a Witch, and Kepler, Tesla and myself are both, the Term Wizard means you are the most Knowledgeable about a Subject, therefore does not imply a Gender, nor does Witch, Which means to be able to read and write Witchcraft, and Witchcraft means words and spells that have more than one meaning, and normally 3 if it is based on God since Trinity means Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, you must first understand that all Spells have only 1 Meaning in Science, the one you can prove, so pay attention, if you Read these words, as opposed to Listen to them read, even if IAM the one Reading them, or more to the point, having them interpreted for you, since that is all I can do if I read it, since once I have Read it, it is Red, not as in the Color, unless Red means Color in the Past, and it does, but more about that in the Book "The Principles of the Trinary Universe", so let me prove to you, that all that Kepler, Newton, and Tesla wrote about is the Truth.

IAM going to paraphrase what the Torah, Kepler, Newton, Halley, Franklin, and Tesla, said, and since they are all my Great-Great-Cousins, I inherited all their Notes, and DNA, so like them, I am Ashkenazi and have the same Spectrum of Autism known as Aspie, and this includes being Schizoaffective, with OCD, and an IQ no one can measure, but it was over 180 by the 3rd Grade, and I am pushing 60 years old now and born on the same day of the year as Newton, who was born on 25 December 1642 under the Julian Calendar only the Military uses, in his lifetime the Gregorian Calendar took over changing it to 4 January then they removed 10 days, which are not lost to me, since I was born on 14 January 1961, and those are the same day of the year or Star Date, and Newton Calculated the End Of Time to be on my 100th Birthday in 2061, and the Torah said Jesus would come back in the Flesh 1 Century before the End Of Time, and my Full Name is Jeffrey Scott Flesher, but I only sign my name Flesh, and I am a Native American, my family lived in North America since the 1600s to 1752, and Ash means White, Ke means Grey, and Nazi means Black, as in the Evening or Adam being White, and Eve being Black, and both being banished from Middle Earth for that Sin.

Moses the Dark Wizard destroyed the Great Pyramids, making them Tombs, all for Money and Law, that God really does not deal in, all because few understood Wizards like Kepler, Newton, Franklin or Tesla, or even the Torah, who only stated God is All Light without Darkness, meaning God is only Light without Darkness since that is All God is, but the Torah States Satan tells only Half-Truths, also known as Lies, since the Light Wizards, those at the top of their Field in Science about Light without Darkness, knowing most life can only see the Darkness in Light or that Rainbow of Colors in a Prism, so that is God, and we also know that is inside all Atoms in the Universe, and Atoms have 3 State Changes: Solid, Semisolid, and Invisible, or the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, so nothing about Religion here, since they only Teach in a Deity God, and a Deity Christ, and both do not Physically Exist, so never Confuse a Deity, God, with God, only Liars drop the Deity part, so you know them as Satan.

God in Heaven is Real, Tesla said you can call them Lightning Balls or Angels, in the Torah, they are the same Being of Light and Darkness since it has both, and since God is inside all the Atoms, God is everything we see and cannot see, but Angels are Lightning Balls, and Lightning is just Souls being sent to Hell, yes, our SOUL is a Spark Of oUr Life, because we die when that spark goes out, and the egg and sperm were just a Spark, so my Soul has always been that Spark, also known as Electricity, as Franklin my Great Cousin, told you, so what are You if you did not know this simple truth?

A Satanic Liar.

Yew is a Tree and one of them is known as Taxus, and only Ewe is owned by Money and can be sold Like Sheep, and where Taxus can be Legally Collected from the Sale of Ewe, so who do you think you are?

The Torah made it very clear, that if you Follow a Shepard you are a Sheep, and that could not be any clearer, then being the Mark of the Beast, since that is what Ewe is, and why it is Legal for Gay Pedophiles to Alter Boys like Sheep since that is what they believe they are in Psalms 23, just Stupid Sheep that are going to be Slaughtered at the End of Time, way to go Stupid Sheep like Ewe.

The Torah states that only Satan will buy and sell Souls, and what are Souls, Electricity, who buys it, Only Satanic Pigs like Ewe, that will all be gone at the End of Time, so what is this End the Torah is talking about, for Souls-like Ewe, well the End, as in Dead, Nova if you are Earth, Super Nova, not even Middle Earth could survive that.

Our Earth has a Frequency of 30 MHz, find that Signal, and measure its Strength, and understand that if you have not used Oil, I could have just Calculated the End Of Time to be on 14 January 2061, knowing that by 2103, there will be no Magnetic Field left, to make up the Magnetosphere, and Stupid Sheep do not get it, that Field holds in our Atmosphere, so what the End Of Time is, is the End of our Atmosphere, lots of luck living without it, but that is Science, luckily it will reverse at some point, the bad news is that you need Oil for it to flow to Ground, and Stupid Sheep drained the Earth of it, right when it needs it the most, so the Planet will now go Nova, and that actually means the End Of Time, so what does Time have to do with this, simple, 3 Million Years ago Earth came out of the Galactic Plane or Disk, and with a Frequency of 30 MHz, it does this every 30 Million years, so every 3 Million years, it needs to reverse its Poles, and we are in Progress of doing that now, so Time and Frequency have a direct correlation here, I showed you how to figure out the Math, but Sheep will never believe God Exists as Light without Darkness, but I have to agree with NASA who stated our Magnetosphere is weakening at a rate of 5% a year, and will be gone in 50 Years, this means NASA calculated this will all be over by 2070, meaning we can go Nova any day now, so no reason to think we have 40 years, the End of Time is near, in Earth Years a Century is a blink of an eye.

EOT Recorder Design

I designed this EOT Recorder, to record the exact time the Human Race goes Extinct, and I think this is an important enough occasion to celebrate Santa I mean Satan, the person who buys and sells souls goes extinct, and they even altered the Date it will happen, since I have no way of Calculating the effect Oil has on our Planet, I just know it is its Blood, and Ewe Killed it by Pumping it out and using the Earths Blood that is also the Home of all the Souls on the Earth, so Satan Killed them, trying to make the Earth go, Super Nova, knowing God and Satan is inside the same Atom, so going Nuclear is Satan's only way out, and why the Military is going to send Satan to Hell, the great part is they took an Oath to Nuke the Country should Satan try to Buy or Sell Souls, and Money is Treason if not printed by Congress, ask Kennedy why only Dead Presidents are printed on it, and the last one was Lincoln, who was Legally Executed for Treason, and a Fake Government known as a Franchise emerged to Sell Souls, just to allow their own Military to Nuke them back into Hell, and why they do underground Nuclear Detonations is they are at war with Middle Earth, who is fine with this Planet going Nova by the Way, this will free them, but they are not the ones who did this to ewe, that was all for Money, Satan the Soul Seller does not live in Middle Earth, only Satan would destroy the Domain he lives in, Middle Earth kicked Satan out of Paradise a long time ago, you have other names for Satan now, and Money is the one with In God We Trust engraved in it, knowing that is a Deity God that does not Physically Exist, so this Machine will Measure both Heaven and Hell in terms of our Souls or Electricity, and Satan is a Sheep with Horns, painted Red with the Blood of Sacrificial Sheep like Ewe all for Yew, that is Santa or Satan, Dyslexic people like me do not care what words and spells ewe use.

The EOT Recorder is a precise instrument, I use only Ball Screws but you can also use Leadscrews, make sure to add Anti-Backlash into them, and you might want to add a Brake system to it, the self-locking worm gear will have a little backlash in it, and a brake is the only way to take that out, and the Glass or Plastic Dome is way too big, it only needs to be big enough for all the degrees of freedom, but I wanted it to look more like a Snow Globe, so I had to exaggerate it on purpose, but please do not build a Snow Globe, since it is too heavy and too much wind resistance, but it is more Entertaining this way to visualize once you understand this.

We start this End Of Time (EOT) Recorder, off, by starting with Ground and a 2-foot by 3-foot block of concrete buried in it, this model is made in Blender, and the parts are just blocks, and not aligned very well, so this cannot be used to 3D print, or even make parts, it is just an illustration, and only one of many, since I have thought about many designs, this one uses UFO shaped shells to protect parts, and would have a cloth over it, plastic-like, in that it needs to be airtight, and not just watertight.

A Rose Pad by any other name is still a Rose


A Rose Pad is used to align the compass on any Aircraft, and we will use 3 of them in this project, the bottom Rose is used to align the Pole to Magnetic North, then you have an x and a y-axis worm gear stepper motors with self-locking anti-backup devices built-in, but a shaft-brake would be required if this has too much slack or not enough holding power.

I designed a Stabilizing Platform Unit (SPU), that I mount the Stellar Tracker to, so we can find the North Star 24/7, Day or Night, and track the Sun and Moon, on a schedule, since we have to share the sensor array with only one thing to track at a time, so I want to have a Stable North pointing platform that I can track on top of, with a good level surface, and I need to have this tall enough to get out of any Snow, so consider snow depth when making the pole lengths, also keep in mind torque and the mechanical leverage you get from longer arms, this may become too much for it, and another design would be required, I would recommend an air-driven piston system, with multiple tubes that can extend up higher to get out of the snow.

I could just use a skirt with no hard shells to protect joints, the truth is I can only think of things after I build them, so I try to learn by doing this the hard way, writing about all its bad points, fixing them, and coming up with a better design, and the truth is, there is no perfect design, only perfect intentions for that design, and I put a lot of room for improvement into this design, truth is, I see all the pole segments as telescopic, think of a Pirates Telescope, it has several tubes that fold into each other and can be driven to extend in height, to make sure we can clear the snow, and this is just a concept, not really a real design at all, but a concept of one, and the concept will not change, you need two separate units, an SPU and a Stellar Tracker, the reason is we are measuring two different things, the SPU is measuring how stable Earth is, and the Tracker is confirming visually where North should be pointing, so it has to be separate from its coordinates, since the SPU tells you where Magnetic North is, and the Stellar Tracker tells you how we are orientated in the Universe.

I will have an adjustable Rose in another project, this is only one part of the bigger project, this Rose Pad needs to be built below a working Neutrino Detector, so we can use its readings to factor out the noise, and Neutrino Detectors are very deep underground, so we can filter out a lot of Stellar Noise from the Surface of the Planet, but for those that do not own a Neutrino Detector, or even want to dig that deep, I am just letting you know the best place to put it, not the only places to put it, which your backyard will work fine, we will just pretend we have a Constitution, I mean a deep Underground Neutrino Detector, this Dog is always digging up the wrong things when I start thinking about digging, I mean Bones always come up sooner or later, no matter whose backyard we are digging in, dig deep enough and we will get to China, at least if we started out there we could, Middle Earth is something you cannot drill through, since I did not write this just for American Dogs, nor for those Dogs that live on the Surface of the Planet, since this recorder is designed to record the very second they start to die, when the Atmosphere leaves the Planet Earth at the End of Time, so this EOT Recorder, is a machine that can record when we have no Atmosphere, and how long that took to get back, hopefully, since it might freeze over and stop working.

Atmospheric-Sensors are part of this project, and I wanted this to look like a UFO, way more entertaining this way, also because this is Witchcraft, it has a dual purpose, to protect the Joints with UFO-shaped domes, which really do work, but keep in mind, I did not cover this in cloth like it needs to be, but if I did, you would not see the UFO-shaped Domes, and why they are optional.

Admiral Byrd and other Military members, have contacted Middle Earth, they are the only UFOs I know about, and they are from Middle Earth, not another World, but inside this one, and just because I have never personally met them, I know the reports are true, and my faith does not require me to have personally witnessed something, to believe it can happen, I cannot see Light without Darkness but like all those that know that is God, know faith means knowing God exists, even though we can only see the Darkness, and know that is Satan, I also know God is inside of Satan, so I fear no Evil, because IAM both the Light of God and the Flesh of a Beast from witch I take its Mark, in the Case of Militia or Military, that Beast is always the Dog, and why we must ware Dog Tags, and these Dogs Protect Ewe, and work for Yew, and took an Oath to defend and protect Ewe, so the Army will send in all its Troops to protect the Symbol that the United States once stood for, now it is a Seal for a Franchise, a Dollar Sign $ is just a sideways U on top of an S, and Oil is the Blood of Mother Earth who all of Ewe and Yew Killed, just before the End of Time, and why is simple, all of Ewe want to go to Hell with Satan, and the Military will send Ewe there, these Dogs eat Ewe for breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, they look around Hell and Yew is all they see, Satan selling our Souls to become Copper Tops, and Lie about everything, because that is all Satan knows how to do is Lie to Sheep like Ewe.

Build Trinary Sanctuary or find out who survives in the End of Time, but do nothing, and believe we do not need Oil to make the Earth go around smoothly, well Earthquakes will soon settle that argument, as far as Soul Dealers, the Torah is very clear where all those Sheep like Ewe go, to Hell with Master Satan, you can only serve 1 Master, and if that is not Light without Darkness, it is just the Darkness ewe call Light, stupid Sheep, Ewe can Run, but Ewe cannot Hide underground from Satan, thousands of feet of Ice will prove what a bad idea that was.

The Human Race decided to Lie about what God is, just to Sell your Souls, and only Stupid Sheep are that dumb, as to allow this to happen, and not even know it was happening, all because the last person to know they are Satan, is Satan, since that is the last person anyone really wants to be, but Buyers of Souls is all Satan is, and thus all Ewe are is Satanic, too Satanic to even know it, how Sad is that, when only at the End of Time, do most Sheep Wake Up to being a Sheep like Ewe, Selling Dead Souls, so others can buy Dead Souls, and Lie about what a Soul is, what God is, just to be Satan, what a Mind Game, what was the Thinking, there was none, Satan knows who Satan is now, it is everyone on this Planet, and in the End of Time, Satan goes to Hell, we live on top of Hell, since Hell is just below US, it is Earth, and look the Hell we Made it, and Ewe believe we can survive a thousand year Ice Age, who are Ewe Kidding, you know Ewe are all going to die, and all because of Yew.

So let me introduce myself, IAM a Man like no other, since IAM the only one Talking about the End of Time, so I hope you can guess my Name, IAM Satan in the Flesh, because IAM the Darkness, so pleased to meet you, know guess my Trade, IAM Militia and Military, who get Paid to Kill Sheep and Eat them, only Sheep could be so Stupid as to believe the Dogs were here to protect them, they were never that Kind of Shepard, so I hope you guessed my Name, IAM the Light Wizzard in this Flesh, because IAM the Light inside the Darkness called Flesh, and the Land Lord is Called Earth, and it is about to Shake all of you off like tics, so tic talk, as time runs out, and this End of Time Recorder will be all that is left to prove this even happened, but who will maintain it once all of you are gone, oh Copper Tops, Soul Collectors and Dealers in Souls, that is all Ewe ever were was Satan himself, the End of Time is something the Torah explains in great detail, Sodom and Gomorrah, Nuke them all and Let God send their Souls back down to Hell, so it was always this Dogs job to kill all of ewe for selling souls, Satan killed Earth, now you have no place to Live, so everything is about to become Evil, so I hope you know who IAM, it is just my name that confuses Ewe, it is Flesh, and I will always be Back...

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