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Jeffrey Scott Flesher edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 9 revisions


When I was working on my Zodiac table, I had to take several things into account, one is that if we take a 360 view in 1-degree increments every 72 years, we come up with 2160 years, and we look at the Fish, we have 2012 years, so the full cycle is 2160 years, with the body being 2012 years. Fish zodiac.table This Table shows 2012 years, and not 2160, the Earth moves 1 degree every 72 years, so this table is showing the Body and not the Full cycle.

The full 2160 year cycle is represented by the table in degrees, the time is not lost, it is just not used for this Equation, the Mayans knew this, and did those that built the Pyramids, this is due to Frequency and Wavelength, looking at the Fish, it is clear that there is 100 years or a Century in time difference, this is not a mistake, 2060 or 2061 if you take into account 0, such that 2012 becomes 2013, we are only looking at the Body of the Fish, and not the whole Fish, or Timeline, but the over timeline is the same, it is how we view time that changes, the Mayans used 13 Lunar cycles, so the timeline is simple, you reset after 2012 years, the wavelength does not change, only our starting point in time, but after 360 degrees, we do have to account for all that time, but for this Equation, we are only trying to find a way to track when our Planet will reverse its polarity.

To understand this, we just add more cycles to one iteration, think of this as Harmonics. numerology

It takes millions of years for our Sun to make it around the Galaxy once, the angle we sweep out in degrees, 1 degree is 72 years of time, as such 360 times 72 equals 25,920 years or one Great Year, the period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, but the Zodica is not measuring that, so those numbers have little meaning, if it takes 30 million years for us to go around the Galaxy once, Frequency and Wavelength are the only units of measurement that work, and what the Zodiac was based on, so it comes down to how we track time, and Calendars change all the time in History, so there are many, but this 2160 year span has no meaning unless you model your calendar after it, as far as Frequency it has little meaning since our cycle is 2012 years long according to the Mayan Calendar, so the next one would be 4024, and if we used 2160, that would only account for 1.x cycles, this is why the Mayans decided to only track the body of the Fish and not the whole Fish, in this image the other end will end in the year 4024, so we are looking at the Waveform, and not time, but the full 360 degrees around the Galaxy, you do account for all the actual time that passes, and why this Table seems so wrong, but I cannot change History, all I can do is explain it, the time works out the same, since it is not ignoring the distance traveled, it is only taking samples of the Frequecy of time of 2012 year cycles, and as a unit of distance it works out the same, you will know this is true from Trinary Math. Trinary Math This table was built using a computer program that is available here as a GitHub Project, so you can examine the code to see how it works, but it is based on Frequency and Wavelength, and based on finding a pattern of Tracks our Suns follow as they orbit the Galaxy, so picture this galaxy We are on Track 666, and if you calculate the distance you will know it is very accurate, I figured out the Math from the Torah.

We view this 360 as a Year, so we are looking at snapshots of time, we only need to know when we change Frequency, so by tracking the Body of our Waveform, we know when this will happen, just remember when looking at this table, every Zodiac has a Century of Time you need to add to it, this is confusing to some, but not the Mayans, those Centuries did not get lost in time, this is a table of Frequency and not Time, as such, if you add the Century for every Zodiac all the time is accounted for, the issue is we do not track time by Frequency, that would solve this problem.

Trying to explain the calendar and the zodiac is difficult since the Calendar is Time, but not based on a Frequency and Wavelength, which is true time, and I would change our Calendar to reflect this, so you do not have this confusing Zodiac way of tracking time while trying to align it to this frequency, means it only makes sense from a Musical viewpoint.

The Tail is not set in stone, it has wiggle room, it is how we measure this time cut off that we begin to understand this, our Frequency depends on our Oil supply, deplete it, our Magnetosphere will be depleted, it is a one to one relationship.

You need to view time as a Frequency and how much has passed as the wavelength, it is the distance traveled at that Frequency during that time, and when that signal goes through the Ground level, it will collapse its Magnetosphere, thus the End of Time.

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