A casual hobby project towards creating an interactive path-tracing renderer running on non-RTX GPUs.
- Multiple Importance Sampling
- Nishita Sky model
- Bloom / Veil
- Only sphere geometry
- Unified BSDF
- Albedo texture support
- CUDA 12.4+ SDK
- GLAD - OpenGL loader
- GLM - 3D maths library
- Optional (SampleApp)
- GLFW - OpenGL windowing library
- Dear ImGUI - GUI library
- stb - Image loading library
- TinyGLTF - GLTF format load/parse library
Cmake will be added in future. Currently the solution is Visual Studio only. The solution consists of two projects, the core KittlesPT static library project, and a SampleApp executable project demonstrating the use of KittlesPT renderer API.