A collection of Meta-runners for TeamCity 8.x.
- Publish TeamCity artifacts (publishes artifacts to TeamCity while the build is running)
- Upload to FTP (uploads files to FTP)
- Download File (downloads file by HTTP or FTP URL)
- Trigger Custom Build (triggers a build in TeamCity optionally with custom parameters)
- Add Tags to Build (adds tags to currently running build in TeamCity)
- Deploy War (deploys war file to servlet container)
- PHP-related meta runners(see documentation)
- Run arbitrary PHP code
- Install a specific Composer dependency
- Install/update packages from composer.json
- Run Phing build script
- Run PHPUnit tests (with code coverage reporting)
Each file with name MRPP_<some text>.xml contains a definition of a single Meta-runner.
To install Meta-runner, take Meta-runner definition file and put it into <TeamCity Data Directory>/projects/<Project ID>/pluginData/metaRunners/ directory.
Where <Project ID> is the identifier of a project where you want to place the Meta-runner. If metaRunners directory does not exist it should be created. Once you place the file on disk, TeamCity will detect it and load this Meta-runner, no server restart is required. If Meta-runner is loaded succcessfully you should see its name in the list of build runners on build configuration Build Steps page.
Meta-runner placed into some project will be available to build configurations from this project and all subprojects. If you want Meta-runner to be available to all of the projects, it should be placed in Root project.
If after placing the Meta-runner on disk you see the following error in TeamCity web interface:
Meta-Runner with id '<some id>' was registered from path '<some path>\<meta runner file name>.xml' and cannot be overriden from path '<another path>\<meta runner file name>.xml'
it means Meta-runner with the same ID is already defined in another project. To fix it you can either remove old Meta-runner, or change ID of the new one. ID of the Meta-runner is name of the file, so you can simply rename file to some other name. It makes sense to preserve prefix MRPP_ so that you could understand where this Meta-runner came from.
Apache License 2.0