A collection of scripts that can be executed via Spotlight.
All the scripts need permitions to be executable by the user, this can be done by running chmod -R u+x .
on the root directory of the project or using the chmod-x-all.sh
All new scripts should be given permition after creation.
Then set the Terminal to automatically close the window upon completion, in the Terminal app go to Preferences
> Profiles
> (Select a Profile) > Shell
; on When the shell exits
choose Close the window
The project can be anywhere on the system, just make sure Spotlight indexes the parent folder.
Use the keybinding to open Spotlight (cmd
+ space
by default) and type the name of the script (e.g.: sleep.sh.command) and hit enter to execute it; after sometime of using the scripts Spotlight will autocomplete them, then only typing the first part of the name will be enough (e.g.: sleep).
βββ personal
βΒ Β βββ morning.sh.command # Daily morning setup
βββ spotify
βΒ Β βββ next.sh.command # Skips to next track on the queue
βΒ Β βββ pause.sh.command # Pauses current track
βΒ Β βββ play.sh.command # Plays current track
βΒ Β βββ prev.sh.command # Rollback to previous track
βββ system
βΒ Β βββ empty-tash.sh.command # Empties the trash bin
βΒ Β βββ quit-all.sh.command # Quits all open apps (WIP)
βΒ Β βββ screensaver.sh.command # Sets the screensaver on all screens
βΒ Β βββ shutdown.sh.command # Shuts down the system after prompting the password
βΒ Β βββ sleep.sh.command # Sleeps the system
βββ utils
βββ chmod-x-all.sh # Makes every script on the folder executable from spotlight (WIP)
βββ mk-demo.sh.command # Converts every .mov file in the desktop to .mp4
βββ name-png.sh.command # Renames every .png image to demo<n>.png
βββ pomodoro.sh.command # Simple pomodoro timer (WIP)
Scripts that would be nice to make:
- Close specific app (like on Alfred).
- Close all apps (WIP).
- Play a song on Spotify by name.
Partially based on projects by brendonjohn and gtumbaga. Pomodoro timer based on pomo by Prayag2.