Team project for the course IN2018 Erweiterte Realität in the summer semester 2022 at Technical University Munich
We created a marker-tracking based AR pacman game. To achieve this we utilized openCV and openGL as taught in the lecture and exercises re-using and adapting code where we saw fit.
- W: Pacman up
- S: Pacman down
- A: Pacman left
- D: Pacman right
- B: enable/disable Board Background
- P: enable/disable Pacman Soundtrack
VC++ Directories:
Include Directories: C:\opencv\build\include
Library Directories: C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib
Input - Additional Dependencies
- glfw3.lib
- opengl32.lib
- glew32.lib
- Glu32.lib
- opencv_world3414d.lib
- User32.lib
- Shell32.lib
- Gdi32.lib
- winmm.lib