Version 1.19.0-rc.1
Fixed bugs:
- Align the design of 2nd passphrase inputs in all transaction types /#2198
- Align the design of Wallet #2162
- Review and correct all the text after the redesign #2230
- Align the design of SignIn and Register pages #2173
- Trezor T hardware wallet doesn't work #2221
- Leftovers problems for bookmarks #2206
- Align the design of Other's Wallet #2165
- Align Help page to design #2205
- Eliminate the word "token" from the wallet copy #2213
Closed issues:
- Migrate help center to the new design #2190
- Implement the bookmark page #2111
- Implement the add to bookmarks page #2056
- Enable BTC wallet to end users #1893
- Implement the new design of the Register a delegate page #2082
- Align the design of paper wallet #2161
- Align vertical alignment #2169
- Implement the new design of the Register second passphrase page #2136
- Align fonts across the app #2166
- Implement the new animation of Delegate registration #2124
- Migrate dashboard to the new design #1936
- Copy to clipboard doesn't work on wallet page #2154
- Transaction Detail for BTC showing same address for sender and recipient. #2051
- Implement the new design of main header #2053
- Update the release popup to the new design #2143
- Review and refactor the actions, reducers and middleware for followed accounts. #2022
- Align Delegate page for guest to design #2109
- Implement the new design of the transaction result page #2059
- Review and refactor the actions, reducers and middleware for second passphrase #2026
- Implement Request BTC dropdown #1890
- Fix two e2e tests broken by new delegates page #2084
- Implement wallet page header of BTC/LSK wallet #1892
- Implement a minimal BTC wallet page #1888
- Review and refactor the actions, reducers and middleware for delegates. #2023
- Implement the sign message page #2052
- Create the modals for timeout and signet #2066
- Implement the wallet details component #2038
- Implement the new design of settings #1995
- Implement the new design of Bookmarks component in dashboard #2043
- Clean code of delegates and voting components #2081
- Implement the onboarding component of the dashboard page #2055
- The BTC send page has glitchy behavior #2068
Merged pull requests:
- Migrate help center to the new design - Closes #2190 #2202
- Implement add to bookmark page - Closes #2056 #2192
- Adjust paperwallet design - Closes #2161 #2179
- Align vertical alignment - Closes #2169 #2182
- Implement the new design of the Register second passphrase page - Closes #2136 #2142
- Remove wallets from redux - Closes #2033 #2158
- Adjust font smoothing on electron - Closes #2166 #2177
- Implement animation delegate registration - Closes #2124 #2152
- Copy to clipboard not working on wallet page - Closes #2154 #2155
- Implement new design of main header - Closes #2053 #2120
- Implement the new design of update modal - Closes #2143 #2149
- Refactor redux files for bookmarks - Closes #2022 #2140
- Implement the guest mode of Delegates - Closes #2109 #2141
- Implement logic to persist selected delegates to local storage - Closes #1974 #2126
- Implement wallet page header for BTC and LSK - Closes #1892 #2123
- Merge voting bug fixes to development #2121
- Implement minimal BTC wallet page - Closes #1888 #2003
- Refactor delegates redux logic - Closes #2023 #2099
- Implement new design of sign message - Closes #2052 #2105
- Implement new design of settings page - Closes #1995 #2077
- Implement on boarding on dashboard - Closes #2055 #2086
- Adjust send form behaviour - Closes 2068 #2071