If you never used Vagrant before, read the Vagrant Docs first.
Create directory for the project
mkdir /path/to/your/project/directory
Clone project
git clone https://github.com/LiudaKukharchuk/vagrant_box_magento2.git /path/to/your/project/directory
Go to the project directory
cd /path/to/your/project/directory
Install hostupdater
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
Start vagrant box installation
vagrant up
Wait until vagrant box will be installed
Now you can use such url or IP in browser to see your site if don't change default value
For run bin/magento
cd /path/to/your/project/directory
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/source
php bin/magento
Clean all caches & session data:
vagrant ssh
redis-cli flushall
For clean specific cache use this command:
redis-cli -n 0 flushdb
0 - default cache
1 - full page cache
2 - session
You can change such variables for installing Magento, all this variable in file ansible/group_vars/all.yml
Also, You can check other variables in this file.
You can set Magento version what need to be installed. I tested this box with installation only Magento 2.3.3
In brackets specified the default value for this vagrant box
Just change magento_version
Check if it's new Magento project new_project
Check if need to deploy Sample data install_sample_data
Change PHP version: php_version
Magento encryption key: magento_crypt_key
Magento mode: magento_mage_mode
"default", "production" or "developer" ("default")
User for DB: db_user
Password for DB user: db_user_password
DB host: db_host
DB name: db_name
- there are empty database file, it temporary solution. But if You have already existing project just paste into this variable path to you db dump ("../extras/db.sql.gz")
- leave this variable true
. You have a possibility to not install a Composer. But would be better to have it in your box.
and mage_password
- its credentials for mage.repo authentication. See https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/prereq/connect-auth.html
- URL for admin panel ("admin")
- user name for admin panel ("admin")
- password for admin user ("qa123123")
- admin first name ("Admin")
- admin last name ("Admin")
- admin email ("[email protected]")
- Magento language ("en_US")
- currency for your magento store ("USD")
- timezone. Default value the same as fradee_timezone
- enable/disable rewrites ("1")
With this vagrant box also installed mailcatcher: you can use them by url: base_url:1080
Change Ubuntu version: 65 or 67 line in Vagrantfile
Vagrant box with value false
for variable new_project
not tested yet. If you set true
vagrant box automatically download Magento and install it via Composer.
Before You start vagrant up
command change base_url for your store and IP. Default value "vagrantbox.m2.local" and ""
You can do this in such files:
Vagrantfile - 58, 68, 70, 94 lines
Also if Your Magento have some stores, add they URL in Vagrantfile at 71 line and uncomment it. But its functional temporary don't work, need to write template for sites-enabled
ansible/group_vars/all.yml - 14, 15 lines
ansible/inventory/vagrant - 2, 5, 8 lines. Also at this lines change ansible_user
for Ubuntu 14.04 to vagrant
P.S. After trying to start vagrant box on the MacOS I got an error
There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded
and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by
a syntax error.
Path: /Users/user/my/path/to/vagrantbox/Vagrantfile
Line number: 0
Message: RuntimeError: can't modify frozen String
I fixed it by commenting first line in Vagrantfile
# Vagrant::DEFAULT_SERVER_URL.replace('https://vagrantcloud.com')
This is my first vagrant box for Magento 2 it is a beta version and can be improved, please help me to improve and fix bugs for this vagrant box.