This is a course project. It is created by Xinman Liu.
C language is used to implment longest processing time(LPT) rule and Johnson's rule.
To compile the program, use command line:
gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o a3 a3.c
To generate 400 000 instances txt files, use command line:
./a3 -r
To test whether ratio is calculated correctly or not, use command line:
./a3 -i <instancem_n_t1_t2_i.txt
(or any other valid txt file name; and please delete all comment lines in the instances!)
(it will print out ratio for this instance to stdout)
To get result.txt, first, make a new directory "ratio" on the Desktop. Then, run shell script using this command line:
or you can use:
chmod 700 ./