A small tool to mask and resize your icon for iOS and Android apps
Because there are 2 main mobile platforms today, and that each one of them require to have your app icon in multiple sizes to fit its multiple uses, you may waste quite a lot of time with repetitive resize & export
tasks. Hence I wrote a little tool that will hopefully do all of this for you.
I've been writing this while working on a Cordova-based app.
- Node.js
- ImageMagick
Has been tested on OS X Mavericks & Yosemite. Should work on other OS X versions as well as Linux.
Once the prerequisites are available on your computer, complete the setup by running the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/LockateMe/icon-maker.git
cd icon-maker
npm install
Then, to mask and resize your icon, run:
node index.js path/to/your/icon.png [outputFolder]
ISC License