A Java JNI binding (to allow for Java and Android integration) to Networking and Cryptography library by Daniel J. Bernstein.
Credits to:
- Libsodium: author Frank Denis and Contributors
- Kalium: author abstractj and Contributors
- Robosodium: author GerardSoleCa
- libstodium: author ArteMisc
- Java package is under org.libsodium.jni
Install brew
Run ./build-mac.sh
Run ./build-linux.sh
###Docker Container
The docker container is available from libsodium-jni which is a Automated Build.
Please refer to the docker build for the commands used to build.
libsodium-jni is a work in progress, feedback, bug reports and patches are always welcome.
Everything has been tested and working on ubuntu 12.04 32bit and 64 bit, macos, and Android