- make the fronted ui look cool
- fix the bug where the connectoins wires
- fix the bug where the queuee pin and delete those that where updated, preventing them further from propagation
- fix zooming
- fix bug when deleting chip, correcly dispose wires and reset the pins in the wire ponts
- fix the position of creating a new entity when clicking on the context menu
- make a genearal context menu
- make the add context menu pop up whem pressing only c
- add a chip context menu
- add a io context menu
- add a wire point context menu
- add a wire context menu
- load and save
- make the simulation context ui theme align with the main color theme
- make the direction of propagation of the wires normally unidirectional and bidirectional when opted for by the user.
- copy and paste (kinda working)
- made it double way
- feature: add multiple selection
- fix why some chip pins are not drawn when creating more chips than 3
- finish the chip pin
- finish the chip
- draw the chip
- integrate the chip into the simulation context
- connect wire to the chip pin
- add and chip
- add buitin chips
- render a context menu to add chips
- create a context menu to add chips
- add a new builtin chip
- create an adder
- able to delete entitites (rough)
- make the ui of create entity context menu look better