A custom gitlab runner for running gitlab runs on a nomad cluster
Using the docker image: ghcr.io/lol3rrr/nomad-runner:latest
Example Nomad job found in examples/nomad-job.hcl
Configuration for the runner itself:
executor = "custom"
builds_dir = "/alloc/builds"
cache_dir = "/alloc/cache"
config_exec = "/bin/nomad-runner"
config_args = [ "config" ]
config_exec_timeout = 200
prepare_exec = "/bin/nomad-runner"
prepare_args = [ "prepare" ]
prepare_exec_timeout = 200
run_exec = "/bin/nomad-runner"
run_args = [ "run" ]
cleanup_exec = "/bin/nomad-runner"
cleanup_args = [ "cleanup" ]
cleanup_exec_timeout = 200
graceful_kill_timeout = 200
force_kill_timeout = 200
To run a Gitlab Job, it starts a new Job with 2 Tasks consisting of one Management Task and one Job Task. The Job Task is used for running all the user specified Commands and the Management Task is used for running all the Management related commands, like cloning the repo, download/uploading the artifacts etc.