The comparator script is used to execute different algorithms for different inputs and evaluate the results in terms of time and correctness. The resulting csv files are stored in the log_files folder. Use -w for a linear gorwth in number of points, -m for exponential: (example -c 5 -s 100 -m 10 -> 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000; -c 5 -s 100 -w 10 -> 100, 110, 120, 130, 140)
Execute from prompt command:
$ chmod u+x scripts/
and then
$ ./scripts/
# -c <number of different combinations of number of points>
# -w <width of steps> OR -m <exponential base>
# -s <starting number of points>
# -r <range of points coordinates>
# -R <number of repetition for each number of points>
# -S <shape (circle, square or disk)>
# -a <algorithms to compare in the format <algo1:num_of_threads algo2:num_of_threads algo3:num_of_threads ...>>
For example:
./scripts/ -c 10 -w 10000 -s 10000 -r 10000000 -R 2 -S disk -a SimpleParallel:4 SimpleParallel:8 Sequential:1 ...
REMEMBER to also provide a sequential version when needed, with 1 as num_of_threads
This script prints the results of the given algorithms in term of execution time and speedup.
Execute from prompt command:
$ chmod u+x scripts/
and then
$ ./scripts/
# -a <algorithms to compare in the format <algo1:num_of_threads algo2:num_of_threads algo3:num_of_threads ...>>
Useful debugging tool. It prints the convex hull generated by a given algorithm and cgal result, with the points stored in tmp.log.
Execute from prompt command:
$ chmod u+x scripts/
and then
$ ./
# <algorithm:num_of_threads>
For example:
./scripts/ SimpleParallel:4
Useful debugging tool. It prints all the points in tmp.log.
Execute from prompt command:
$ chmod u+x scripts/
and then
$ ./scripts/
Execute from prompt command:
$ make
Execute from prompt command:
$ ./tester algorithm_name[:threads_count]
is the name of the algorithm. Available algorithms are listed in the table below.threads_count
(optional) is the number of threads in case of parallel version.
Algorithm name | Type | Implementation |
Sequential | Sequential | AndrewAlgorithm |
SimpleParallel | Parallel | SimpleParallelAlgorithm |
NaiveParallel | Parallel | NaiveParallelAlgorithm |
HullTree | Parallel | HullTreeAlgorithm |
In order to compile CGAL version of the algorithm in cgal
directory execute:
$ cmake .
$ make
It should produce executable file cgal_graham_andrew
CGAL algorithm implementation takes only points as an input (without number of points) and as an output it writes only points (without number of points).