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First draft of avar2 import, convert to mappings
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* see #25
Lorp committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent b7c76b4 commit 82d5727
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 2 deletions.
88 changes: 86 additions & 2 deletions src/fencer.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -698,16 +698,100 @@ function loadFontFromArrayBuffer (arrayBuffer, options={}) {
Qall(".axes .axis input.output").forEach(el => el.disabled = true);

// inspect incoming avar table
const avar = GLOBAL.font.avar;
if (!avar || !avar.itemVariationStore) {
console.log("No avar2 table");
else {
console.log("Yes avar2 table");
const importAvar2 = confirm("This font has an avar Version 2 table. Do you want to attempt to import and convert to mappings?");
if (importAvar2) {


// get locations from IVS
// from

const axisCount = GLOBAL.font.fvar.axes.length;
const ivs = avar.itemVariationStore;
const ivd = ivs.ivds[0];
const locations = []; // for each location, location[0] is input, location[1] is output
const locationsTxt = new Set();
locationsTxt.add(Array(axisCount).fill(0).join()); // add the default location, prevents it ever being added

ivs.ivds.forEach(ivd => {

ivd.regionIds.forEach(regionId => {
const region = ivs.regions[regionId];
const activeAxisIds = [];

// for each region, we records its corners (2^n locations) and its peak (1 location) where n is the number of axes that are non-default
region.forEach((tent, axisId) => {
if (tent[1] !== 0) { // tent[0] is start, tent[1] is peak, tent[2] is end
const numCorners = Math.pow(2, activeAxisIds.length); // 2^activeAxisIds.length is the number of corners
for (let c=-1; c<numCorners; c++) { // -1 we use for the peak, giving us 1+2^n locations (2^n indices remain intact for bit mangling)
const corner = Array(axisCount).fill(0); // initialize to default values

if (c === -1) { // handle the peak of the n-D region
activeAxisIds.forEach(axisId => corner[axisId] = region[axisId][1] ); // [1] obtains the peak
else { // handle the corners of the n-D region
// use bit masking to determine which corner we’re at (bit 0 controls whether we’re talking about start or end of the 0th active axis, bit 1 controls 1st active axis, etc.)
activeAxisIds.forEach((axisId, a) => {
const pos = 2 * ((c & (0x01 << a))>>a); // 2 * 0 or 2 * 1
const tent = region[axisId];
corner[axisId] = tent[pos]; // tent[0] (start) or tent[2] (end)

// only proceed if this is a new location
const locationTxt = => Math.round(v*16384)).join(); // a serialized int version of the array as a hash
if (locationsTxt.has(locationTxt)) {
// duplicate location
else {
locationsTxt.add(locationTxt); // prevent this location from being added again using a serialized version of the array as a hash
const location = [[...corner], [...corner]];
const deltasI16 = SamsaFont.prototype.itemVariationStoreInstantiate(ivs, location[0])[0]; // [0] means we only look at deltas in the first IVD (TODO: handle multiple IVDs)
deltasI16.forEach((delta, d) => {
location[1][activeAxisIds[d]] = clamp(location[1][activeAxisIds[d]] + delta/16384, -1, 1);

// now denormalize these locations
locations.forEach(location => {
const mapping = [


// finalize and kick things off

// draw mappings SVG

// create initial view by dispatching event to the "Add view" button
Q("#add-view").dispatchEvent(new Event("click"));


function onDropFont (e) {

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