CorgiHouse is a Telegram bot designed for creating and searching meetings of corgi owners, but can be adapted for use in other areas, such as searching for meetings on different themes or modified from a Telegram bot to a website backend.
- Find or create meetings for animal lovers
- Register pets and receive personalized recommendations for them
- Begin by registering - click on "Registration" in the left menu. Once completed, other features will become accessible.
- To register a pet, click on "Pets" in the right menu, where you can add, remove, or edit your pets.
- To search for meetings, click on "Search Meetings" in the right menu. You can specify the type and breed of animal for the search or view meetings related to your pets. You can also sign up for meetings that interest you by clicking the corresponding button under the message.
- In the "My Meetings" section, you can:
- View meetings you have signed up for
- View meetings you have created and modify them
- Create new meetings
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- Telegram Bot Link (
Feel free to modify and improve this project.