The main apps listed below will be available in regular Arch Linux repositories. Except aur helper, which you should clone from the git. That's pretty much it.
My workflow uses the gruvbox theme. I might add a few more themes in the future. It looks like this:
Component | Package |
Compositor | picom |
Window Manager | bspwm |
Status bar | polybar |
Music player | ncmpcpp |
Terminal emulator | alacritty |
Terminal based editor | neovim |
GUI based editor | vscode |
Hotkey daemon | sxhkd |
Media player | mpv |
Screenshoter | flameshot |
App launcher | rofi |
Audio visualizer | cava |
System fetcher | neofetch |
Login manager | sddm |
Reader | zathura with poppler backend |
AUR Helper | yay |
System monitor | btop |
Notification daemon | dunst |
The rest of the keybinds you can find or change in the sxhkdrc config file.
Action | Hotkey |
Close the app | Super + Q |
Terminate the process | Super + Shift + Q |
Terminal | Super + Return or Alt + K |
Browser | Alt + B |
Code editor | Alt + G |
File manager | Alt + I |
Volume controller | Alt + P |
Messanger | Alt + T |
Music player (Spotify) | Alt + Q |
Reader | Alt + R |
Notes | Alt + O |
Action | Hotkey |
Switch workspaces | Super + 1-6 |
App launcher | Super + Space |
Reload hotkey daemon | Super + Esc |
Random wallpaper | Super + Alt + W |
Restart window manager | Super + Alt + R |
Select theme | Alt + Space |
Action | Hotkey |
Rotate windows | Super + R |
Switch windows | Super + C |
Split equally | Super + Equal |
Switch layout to monocle | Super + M |
Swap the biggest window | Super + G |
Floating mode | Super + S |
Fullscreen mode | Super + F |
Tiled mode | Super + T |
Preselect the window based on direction | Super + Left, Down, Up, Right |
Preelect the window based on ratio | Super + Ctrl + 1-9 |
Action | Hotkey |
Reboot | Ctrl + Super + Alt + R |
Poweroff | Ctrl + Super + Alt + P |
Sleep | Ctrl + Super + Alt + S |
Quit | Ctrl + Super + Alt + Q |
- Fix the install script
- Migrate to the wayland
- Add more themes