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Implementation of Metric Learning Encoding Models

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Metric Learning Encoding Models (MLEMs)

MLEM pipeline

Paper: Metric-Learning Encoding Models Identify Processing Profiles of Linguistic Features in BERT's Representations
Link to the documentation:

Getting started

Use a recent version of Python, figures in the paper were generated using Python 3.11.


pip install -U -r requirements.txt
git submodule update --init --recursive

Basic script

Basic code block to run at the root of the repository to execute the pipeline with the default parameters:

from MLEM import *
pipeline = MLEMPipeline()
# Display the default parameters and saving directories
# Compute the features distance matrix
# Compute the Feature Importance for the 12 layers of `bert-base-uncased`
for layer in tqdm(range(1, 13)):
	pipeline.layer = layer
# Visualize the results
ax = pipeline.plot_feature_importance()


A walkthrough notebook to use the MLEM pipeline and reproduce the figures from the paper is available at walkthrough.ipynb. Switch to the branch precomputed if you want precomputed files.

Stimulus generation

See this folder for the scripts used to generate the datasets.

Main parameters and methods

Here and in the code, {attr} will refer to the attribute attr of the class and name will refer either to a parameter of a function or a method of the class. Given a context and the names chosen, there should be no confusion.

Dataset and model parameters

- dataset : str, default="short_sentence"
	Name of the dataset. It should be save at `{work_dir}/datasets/{dataset}.csv`, have a sentence column and the other columns will be treated as linguistics features.
- model : str, default="bert-base-uncased"
	Name of the model on HuggingFace. For a multiberts model, specify the seed and step with the corresponding parameters.
- layer : int or "net", default=5
	Layer at which the activations should be taken (starting from 1).
- take_activation_from : {"first-token", "mean", "last-token"}, default="first-token"
	How to aggregate the activations on the dimension of the tokens.

Pipeline parameters

- distance_metric : str, default="euclidean"
	Distance metrics used in `sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances` to compute the distance matrix.
- conditional : bool, default=False
	If True, Conditional Permutation Feature Importance will be computed. Otherwise only Permutation Feature Importance.
- top_units_rank : str or None, default=None
	Measure used to sort the units of a given layer. Can be one of {"R2", "R", "MSE", "MAE"} or a feature in the dataset to consider it's feature importance.
- top_units : int or None, default=None
	Number of top units considered for the order defined with `{top_units_rank}`.

Practical parameters

- work_dir : str, Path, default=os.getcwd()
    Working directory.
- verbose : {0, 1, 2, 3}, default=0
	A higher value means more details on the computation are printed.
- n_jobs : int, default=-1
    Number of parallel jobs spawned.

Computing methods

- compute_feature_importance : computes (top k) multivariate Feature Importance for the current configuration.
- compute_univariate_feature_importance : computes the univariate Feature Importance for all the units.
- compute_decoding_baseline : computes the decoding baseline.

Plotting methods

- plot_correlation : plots the correlation between the feature in the features distance matrix.
- plot_feature_importance : plots the multivariate Feature Importance (and the decoding baseline).
- plot_mds : plots an MDS and highlights the given hierarchy of features
- barplot_clusters : plots the average univariate Feature Importance on clusters found by KMeans and the silhouette method
- plot_distrib_univariate : plots the distribution of univariate measure along with the multivariate one
- plot_top_k : plots the evolution of a multivariate measure when considering more and more units

Loading methods

- get_results(method="multivariate") : loads and concatenates dataframes with the results for the given method
- get_dataset(mds=True) : loads the dataset with the MDS coordinates in the columns "x" and "y"

The parameter {skip_existing}

This parameter allows for specifying if exising files should be recomputed. By default {skip_existing} = np.inf meaning that nothing is recomputed. An element is recomputed if a computation is called which requires it and depending on the value of {skip_existing} according to those rules:

  • {skip_existing} $> 0$ skips model activations
  • {skip_existing} $> 1$ skips distance matrix
  • {skip_existing} $> 1.5$ skips the MDS matrix
  • {skip_existing} $> 2$ skips the multivariate/univariate feature importance and decoding baseline


Implementation of Metric Learning Encoding Models



