This build will always fail because it has 2 examples of failing tests: one because of a defect in the SUT (system under test), and one because of an error in the test itself.
- Simple hello world example
- Experience with Git source code management
- Building with Maven
- Automated unit testing with JUnit
- Continuous integration with GitHub Actions
- Java 21 SDK or later (Java 21 LTS release recommended)
- Maven
Your Codespace for this repo will already include these tools.
When working on a local workstation, you can conveniently install them using SDKMAN!.
Without command-line arguments:
$ mvn compile exec:java
Once compiled, you can omit the compile goal from subsequent executions, but remember to recompile after every code change:
$ mvn exec:java
You can also run the application with specific command-line arguments:
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="arg1 arg2 arg3"
To compile and run the tests:
$ mvn test
After running the tests, you can generate a coverage report:
$ mvn jacoco:report
You can view the formatted HTML version of the report. In your Codespace or other VS Code instance, locate
then right-click and choose "show preview" from the context menu. (This requires the Live Preview extension for VS Code to be installed.)
You can also open the report locally through a web browser or on the command line.
On macOS:
$ open target/site/jacoco/index.html
On Linux:
$ xdg-open target/site/jacoco/index.html
On Windows: please let me know if you know how to do this from the WSL command line. Otherwise you can open the index file in your web browser or VS Code.
First, create the JAR file containing the class files for this project:
$ mvn package -DskipTests
This allows passing command-line arguments directly.
On Linux (incuding WSL) or macOS:
$ java -cp ./target/hello-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hw.Main arg1 arg2 arg3
On Windows, when using the native command prompt, use a backslash instead of a slash:
> java -cp .\target\hello-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar hw.Main