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42 System Projects

This repository contains projects developed as part of the 42 system.

  1. Libft: A library of standard functions in C, such as ft_atoi.c ft_bzero.c ft_calloc.c ft_isalnum.c ft_isalpha.c ft_isascii.c ft_isdigit.c ft_isprint.c ft_itoa.c ft_memchr.c ft_memcmp.c ft_memcpy.c ft_memmove.c ft_memset.c ft_putchar_fd.c ft_putendl_fd.c ft_putnbr_fd.c ft_putstr_fd.c ft_split.c ft_strchr.c ft_strdup.c ft_striteri.c ft_strjoin.c ft_strlcat.c ft_strlcpy.c ft_strlen.c ft_strmapi.c ft_strncmp.c ft_strnstr.c ft_strrchr.c ft_strtrim.c ft_substr.c ft_tolower.c ft_toupper.c

  2. ft_printf: A project to recreate the printf function in C, with a focus on understanding variadic arguments and format specifiers.

  3. get_next_line: A function that reads from a file descriptor and returns a single line from a given file descriptor.

  4. minitalk: A client-server application where the client sends messages to the server using only signals.

  5. push_swap: A program that sorts a list of integers using only two stacks and a limited set of operations.

  6. so_long: A game where the player must find a specific exit point in a map, avoiding obstacles and collecting items.

  7. philosopher: A simulation of the dining philosophers problem, where multiple philosophers are seated at a round table with a bowl of spaghetti in the middle of the table.


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