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WiFi Library

Lubomir Jagos edited this page Jun 27, 2016 · 2 revisions

Work on this library started when successful compiled first code in arduino IDE and download it into ESP8266 board. At that moment I realized that it would be cool to programm these small boards in LabVIEW. As part of development I put there functions for well known DHTxx sensors for humidity and temperature (just to let you know if you are wondering why these functions are here :D )

Arduino library:

After package installation you will get new palletes with almost all wifi functions:

wifi top pallete wifi client functions wifi udp functions dht functions pallete

To demonstrate its capabilities I'm using follow setting: wifi demo

First board connected to LCD display is Wemos D1 board what is arduino like boards with ESP8266 inside. LCD is interfaced throug I2C and SD card through SPI. Sensor is simple ESP8266-01 module connected to DHT11 module.

Wifi sensor is repeatedly reading sensor and is connected to 'ESP8266 Wifi Example' network sending data to base station. This is how data are read: wifi sensor reading data

And this is what is base station doing. wifi base station code

Base station itself has HTML interface, so you can connect to it and change value.

wifi demo html ui

All of this is running on the MCU without any pc connection. I just wanted to create more complex demo than blinking with LED something more useful. And because everybody nowadays want to play with IoT will start with basic web server and receiving and processing data I made this, so you could copy it and modify to suit you.