SUTD ESD 2020 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis (SMA) term project
Team Members: Ryan Yip, Jordan Tay, Brandon Ho, Zenn Png
- Use of Javascript for Simulation (Agent-Based Model)
- Use of R for Simulation Output Analysis
The main objectives of our project are to analyse
- The total boarding time
- The average boarding time of passengers
using different airplane boarding methods (e.g. back to front, window to aisle, etc.)
This would help us determine the best theoretical airplane boarding method for each of the 2 objectives, as well as the real-world feasibility of such theoretical boarding methods. Our project involves the use of Agent-Based Simulation using Javascript, CSS and HTML, and where the passengers act as agents.
We will then use R to analyse the effectiveness of each boarding method for our objectives and give recommendations on which method works better for various hypothetical situations, such as for different expected hand baggage volumes as well as different expected passenger demographics.
Project video link: