A PokeDex project built using Flutter
- Get list of pokemons
- View details about each pokemon
- Search pokemon by Id, PokeType and Name
- Filter pokemon by Generation, Type, Weakness, Height, Weight and Pokemon Id
- Sort pokemon based on Id and Name
- Dark Theme
- Remember theme and sort by preferences
- Native splash screens with light and dark varients depending on SystemTheme
- AutoRoute for Navigation 2.0
- Cached Network Image to display and cache pokemon images
- Flutter SVG to display SVG assets
- Hive to cache Pokemon from APIs
- http package to make REST API calls
- Provider for Dependency Injection
- Change Notifier for State Management
- Retry package to retry API calls on SocketExceptions / TimeoutExceptions
- Syncfusion Widgets for Custom Range Slider UI
- Json Annotation to generate models
- Flutter Native Splash to generate native splash screens
Flávio Farias, Co-founder of umpontoseis