Himitsu is a Online/Offline Red Team tool focused on Password Cracking and Web Vulnerabilities
This tool is intented only for educational and testing purposes only. I do not assume any liability for any bad/illegal usage of this tool.
In order to make the password modules works is necessary to add to 'Passwords/Default' a wordlist with .txt extension ex (Example.txt)
Before using this option make sure to add the file that you want to crack in the folder named 'Files'
git clone https://github.com/Lucksi/Himitsu
cd Himitsu
sudo apt-get update
sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo bash install.sh
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
if you encounter some errors in the python libraries installation use this method:
git clone https://github.com/Lucksi/Himitsu
sudo apt-get update
cd Himitsu
python3 -m venv .lib_venv
sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo bash install.sh
source .lib_venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd Himitsu
python3 main.py
cd Himitsu
source .lib_venv/bin/activate
python3 main.py
Option name | Type | Description | Default Value |
String | File path of the Useragent list | Useragent/List.txt |
True/False | Making web request throught Tor network | False |
True/False | Making your Useragent different after a certain number of requests | False |
Number | Number of requests to reach in order to change Useragent | 5 |
Option name | Description |
Algorithm Recognition |
Automatic recognition of the algorithm that have been used to hash or encode a password |
Useragent changing |
After a certain number of request your useragent will change in to a new one |
Tor Proxies |
Run your connections throught Tor |
Html Forms Detection |
Gathering all the html forms in a webpage |
Automated http request |
Creation of the url and setting the comunication method for making a web request |
Option name | Description |
Action Detection |
Recognition of the action url |
Method Detection |
Recognition of the method used in order to transfer data (POST/GET) |
Parameters |
Recognition of Parameter name (and description when possible) |
Form Detecion | Parameters Detection |
Name | Recognition |
BASE64 |
✔️ |
BASE32 |
✔️ |
MD5 |
✔️ |
SHA1 |
✔️ |
SHA224 |
✔️ |
SHA3-224 |
✔️ |
SHA256 |
✔️ |
SHA3-256 |
✔️ |
SHA384 |
✔️ |
SHA3-384 |
✔️ |
SHA512 |
✔️ |
SHA3-512 |
✔️ |
Options |
Password |
Zip File |
Rar File |
7zip File |
Pdf File |
Option name | Mode |
Password Cracking |
Offline/Online |
Xss Injection |
Offline/Online |
Base64 Decoding |
Offline |