This is a web-based application to determine the maturity level of a company regarding Digital Forensic Readiness. The theoretical basis for this tool can be found in the paper with the title "Towards a Capability Maturity Model for Digital Forensic Readiness".
The tool determines the level of certain capabilities in an organization based on the seven COBIT 5 enablers and derives a maturity level from this. The following graphic illustrates the concept for evaluating the implemented measures for digital forensic readiness
On the basis of this evaluation, specific measures can be initiated to make a company Digital Forensic ready.
In order to host and run the web-based Digital Forensics Readiness Check you first need to install the following two softwares:
- Webserver with PHP-Support (e.g.: Apache)
- MySQL Database
- Browser with JavaScript support (e.g.: Chrome)
Copy the files within /dfrweb/ into your web-root directory
Execute the SQL-queries within /dfr.sql (This script creates a new database at your MySQL Server)
Adjust /dfrweb/api.php according your MySQL-database account credentials
Open http://[yourdomain]/dfrweb/start.html in your browser
"Towards a Capability Maturity Model for Digital Forensic Readiness": Extended Journal Version (DOI)
"Towards a Capability Maturity Model for Digital Forensic Readiness": Short Version (DOI)
To cite the Digital Forensic Readiness Check in academic papers, please use the following BibTeX entry.
author="Englbrecht, Ludwig
and Meier, Stefan
and Pernul, G{\"u}nther",
title="Towards a capability maturity model for digital forensic readiness",
journal="Wireless Networks",
E-Mail: [email protected]
Twitter: LJESec
This project is licensed under the MIT License