This project contains a program written in assembly language, demonstrating low-level programming concepts and direct manipulation of hardware or system resources. It showcases the use of assembly language instructions to achieve specific tasks that require precise control over CPU operations.
- Direct Hardware Manipulation: The program interacts directly with the processor and memory, showcasing efficient, low-level operations.
- Instruction-Level Control: Provides precise control over program execution at the instruction level, allowing for optimizations in performance.
- Educational Example: Useful for learning or demonstrating assembly language programming and understanding computer architecture.
- Main assembly file containing the core instructions and logic for the program.
- Assemble the program:
Use an assembler (such as
) to compile the assembly code. For example:nasm -f elf64 es_int.s -o es_int.o
Link the object file: Link the assembled object file to create an executable:
ld es_int.o -o es_int Run the program: Execute the compiled program:
- Assembler: nasm or gcc (or another compatible assembler for the architecture in use).
- Linker: ld for linking the object file into an executable.
- Assembly Language: For low-level programming and direct system control.
- Linux (or compatible OS): For compiling and running the assembly code.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.