Read all colors in folder COLORS and save them into CSV file. It also has several others utility tools
Write colors from layers to CSV file | Set colors from CSV file | Transform BASE layers into pngs |
Set left upper pixel in COLORS | Create folders templates COLORS | Enumerate folders in COLORS |
The tool is created for reading blending "colors layers" hex values above "base layers"
All read values are written into a CSV file in the same directory as opened PSD file and with the same name
To do that just click Write colors from layers to CSV file in the menu
There are other utility tools as well, like: Set colors from CSV file, Transform BASE layers into pngs, Create folders templates, Set left upper pixel in COLORS
List of errors during usage is written in a file in chosen CSV directory with CSV's name + prefix _errors.csv
If you want to customize the tool towards your needs look at config.ini in the script directory
Write colors from layers to CSV file (Read all colors in folder COLORS. Save them into CSV file)
Set colors from CSV file (Set colors from chosen CSV file into COLORS folder's layers)
Transform BASE layers into pngs (Print screen all layers in folder BASE and save them into pngs)
Create folders templates (Create a template in opened PSD for the tool)
Set left upper pixel in COLORS (Give each COLORS's layer a pixel which is needed to be able to read color value)
Enumerate folders in COLORS (Enumerate all folders in COLORS folder in reverse order)
About (mainly usage and author's info)
- config.ini
- FILE STRUCTURE (How the PSD has to be constructed)
- color_folder_name = COLORS (Name of folder from which color hex values will be gathered)
- folders_in_it = 1 (Names of folders, created in COLORS folder)
- layers_in_it = R,G,B (Names of each layer in folder in COLORS folder)
- base_folder_name = BASE (Name of folder from which will be layers saved to pngs)
- COLORS RGB (colors which will be set to layers in template)
- R_color = FF0000
- G_color = 00FF00
- B_color = 0000FF
- COLOR PICKER COORDS PIXEL FILL (Color picker coordinates needed in Set left upper pixel in COLORS)
- R_coord = 180,175
- G_coord = 140,274
- B_coord = 178,249
- FILE STRUCTURE (How the PSD has to be constructed)
To run this script, you need at least Photoshop CS6 64bit Version: 13.0 other versions of PS are not tested
Download "Blending PSD colors - toolset"
Unzip file in a preferred directory (suggested place is: _...\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Presets\Scripts)
Open "Photoshop"
Push keys: Alt+F9
Chose "Action" tabbed panel in the left upper corner
(If it is not yet) Disable "Button mode" by clicking an icon in the right upper corner
"Create new action" (right bottom corner of Action window)
Name script (e. g. UI toolset), optionally assign a key to it (e. g. F12) or add color (e. g. "Green")
Click "ok"
Choose in upper main menu: "File -> Scripts -> Browse..."
Navigate to the unzipped folder directory
Open "blending_PSD_colors_toolset.jsx"
Click "Close" button in UI toolset
Click "Stop\playing recording" (small grey square in the left bottom corner)
Enable "Button mode" (right upper corner)
Now your script is ready to use (Click button with your newly created action)
For now, only manual testing is available. Use Adobe Phtoshop CS6 SDK Win to find bugs during running script
- Visual Studio Code
- Adobe Phtoshop CS6 SDK Win
- ExtendScript Debugger Extension for Visual Studio Code (mainly or debugging)
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us
- Karol Łukaszczyk - Initial work - Lukkar
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
-, by PurpleBooth