forked from WildBamaBoy/minecraft-comes-alive
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Luke100000 edited this page Jul 16, 2024
19 revisions
The configuration file is available under .minecraft/config/mca.json
. Delete the file to reset the config. The config is not protected from invalid inputs, if the game crashes, redo what you did. This documentation is not complete, fields which are self explanatory are excluded.
// Overwrite newly spawned villagers
"overwriteOriginalVillagers": true,
"overwriteOriginalZombieVillagers": true,
// Overwrite every Zombie with a zombie villager. Experimental, community requested.
"overwriteAllZombiesWithZombieVillagers": false,
// Add Modded Villagers to be converted into MCA villagers, if they are not converted already. Same for modded Zombie Villagers
// Modded villagers must extend from class Villager, e.g.: Guard Villagers do not and thus can not be converted.
"moddedVillagerWhitelist": [],
"moddedZombieVillagerWhitelist": [],
// Chance of baby zombies spawning
"babyZombieChance": 0.25,
// Ask MCA villagers if they are a certain tag
"villagerTagsHacks": true,
// Allow Grim Reaper spawning
"allowGrimReaper": true,
// Prefix that the villagers will use when chatting
"villagerChatPrefix": "",
// Toggle baby immunity from the player
"canHurtBabies": true,
// Toggle village name notification when entering one, marriage notification, birth notification, villager restock notification, when someone arrives at
// the Inn notifications and if the notifications should be showed in chat instead of above the hotbar
"enterVillageNotification": true,
"villagerMarriageNotification": true,
"villagerBirthNotification": true,
"innArrivalNotification": true,
"villagerRestockNotification": true,
"showNotificationsAsChat": false,
// The amount of hearts to be considered as a friend
"heartsToBeConsideredAsFriend": 40,
// Enable villager infection, infection chance, trading level resistance and how long until a villager turns to zombie after infection in ticks
"enableInfection": true,
"infectionChance": 5,
"infectionChanceDecreasePerLevel": 0.25,
"infectionTime": 72000
// Fraction of babies being twins
"twinBabyChance": 0.02f,
// The amount of hearts required for marriage, engagement and bouquet
"marriageHeartsRequirement": 100.0,
"engagementHeartsRequirement": 50.0,
"bouquetHeartsRequirement": 10.0,
// Time is usually given in ticks, with 20 ticks per second and a Minecraft day of 24000 ticks
"babyItemGrowUpTime": 24000,
"villagerMaxAgeTime": 192000,
// Max health for villagers
"villagerMaxHealth": 20,
// Whenever villagers are stuck, they could teleport. Disabled as it may cause villagers disappearing
"allowVillagerTeleporting": false,
"villagerMinTeleportationDistance": 144.0,
// Amount of hearts youll get with your child
"childInitialHearts": 100,
//IMPORTANT: Only full numbers allowed for greetAfterDays, otherwise your game will crash
// Hearts required for villager to greet you and how many days have been until a villager comes and greets you
"greetHeartsThreshold": 75,
"greetAfterDays": 1,
// Villager fraction with biome-independent skin color
"geneticImmigrantChance": 20,
// The chance a villager has one trait, with exponential less chance to have more
"traitChance": 0.25,
"traitInheritChance": 0.5,
// Allows the player to add blocked traits, which are: Left Handed, Coeliac Disease, Diabetes, Vegetarian, Electrified and Sirben
// These traits are blocked by default, since they dont do anything on players gameplay vice
"bypassTraitRestrictions": false,
// Chance of villagers being night owls, meaning they will stay wake at night and sleep at day and if villagers are allowed to be Night Owels. This is // set to false by default since its not tested on survival yet, proceed with caution and take backups if enabled
"nightOwlChance": 0.5,
"allowAnyNightOwl": false,
// For every n hearts, you may hit a villager without having guards attack you
"heartsForPardonHit": 30,
"pardonPlayerTicks": 1200,
// If guards should attack all Monsters. Can be helpful in modded environments, can also cause Guards to attack passive monsters. Fine tune with the // priority list.
"guardsTargetMonsters": false,
// Villager height factor (Male villagers are slightly larger and wider than female villagers)
"maleVillagerHeightFactor": 0.9,
"femaleVillagerHeightFactor": 0.85,
"maleVillagerWidthFactor": 1.0,
"femaleVillagerWidthFactor": 0.95,
// Show name tags above villagers
"showNameTags": true,
// Voices enable sound in general, vanilla voices use the vanilla sounds instead of the new
"useMCAVoices": true,
"useVanillaVoices": false,
// Each interaction adds one fatigue, with each fatigue making the next interaction harder
"interactionChanceFatigue": 1,
"interactionFatigueCooldown": 3000,
// Trading level increases max health
"villagerHealthBonusPerLevel": 5,
// Use the vanilla models
"useSquidwardModels": false,
// Enable breasts on females
"enableBoobs": true,
// The amount of ticks burned clouts will be worn
"burnedClothingTickLength": 3600,
// Chance that a villager has colored hair
"coloredHairChance": 0.02,
// Amount of hearts required for a villager to appear on a tombstone. Doesn't apply to family members, since they will be added automatically
"heartsRequiredToAutoSpawnGravestone": 10,
// The smarter door AI can open gates.
"useSmarterDoorAI": false,
// Fraction of villagers being guards.
"guardSpawnFraction = 0.175f,
// Control the amount of taxes villager provide and the time between when taxes are collected.
"taxesFactor": 1.5,
// Every n ticks is a tax season
"taxSeason": 168000,
// Once a minute, the village is updated. 5% of each update marriages, adventure spawns or births happen.
"marriageChancePerMinute": 0.05,
"adventurerAtInnChancePerMinute": 0.05,
"villagerProcreationChancePerMinute": 0.05,
// Bounty hunters Attack you once a day if you have a bad reputation
"bountyHunterInterval": 24000,
"bountyHunterHeartsInterval": -150,
// Toggle if the Inn will spawn Adventurers, Cultists and Wandering Traders
"innSpawnsAdventurers": true,
"innSpawnsCultists": true,
"innSpawnsWanderingTraders": true,
// Fraction of villagers left as vanilla ones. 0 meaning all villagers will be converted to MCA ones, 0.5 would result in a fair mix.
"fractionOfVanillaVillages": 0,
// Fraction of vanilla zombie villagers.
"fractionOfVanillaZombies": 0,
// The minimum building amount to be considered as a village. Below the value village is considered as a settlement and will not print out the welcome to // the village message
"minimumBuildingsToBeConsideredAVillage": 3,
// Dimensions where villagers will not be converted to MCA ones
"villagerDimensionBlacklist": [],
// Control where villagers can be converted. Defaults are naturally spawning and in structures
// List of all allowed, case-insensitive terms: Natural, Chunk_generation, Spawner, Structure, Breeding, Mob_summoned, Jockey, Event, Conversion, Reinforcement, Triggered, Bucket, Spawn_egg, Command, Dispenser, Patrol
"allowedSpawnReasons": [
// List of items villagers cant be interacted with
"villagerInteractionItemBlacklist": [
// Villagers remember their last gift and will respond less happy about repetitions.
// The formula is occurrences * giftDesaturationFactor * max(satisfaction, 0) ^ giftDesaturationExponent
// That means, each occurrence decreases satisfaction by 0.5, but the more expensive the gift, the smaller this impact is (as the exponent is smaller than 1)
// giftSatisfactionFactor then multiplies satisfaction to get the actual heart impact
"giftDesaturationQueueLength": 16,
"giftDesaturationFactor": 0.5,
"giftDesaturationExponent": 0.85,
"giftSatisfactionFactor": 0.33,
// How much a gift will influence the mood
"giftMoodEffect": 0.5,
"baseGiftMoodEffect": 2.0,
"giftDesaturationReset": 24000,
// Toggle if players are allowed to marry each other
"allowPlayerMarriage": true,
// Min and Max building sizes and Max building radius. Bigger buildings may cause small lag spikes on a rescan
"minBuildingSize": 32,
"maxBuildingSize": 8192,
"maxBuildingRadius": 320,
// Grim reaper altar min pillar size
"minPillarHeight": 2,
// Chopping-chore max tree height, valid logs and valid tree-bottom-blocks
"maxTreeHeight": 8,
"maxTreeTicks": {
"#minecraft:logs": 60
"validTreeSources": [
// Launch into it when a new player joins
"launchIntoDestiny": true,
// Allow to modify your destiny via command once
"allowDestinyCommandOnce": true,
// Allow to redo your destiny whenever you want
"allowDestinyCommandMoreThanOnce": false,
// Allow teleportation, e.g. the last pages on the destiny
"allowDestinyTeleportation": true,
// Allow players to look like villagers
"enableVillagerPlayerModel": true,
// Allow shaderLocationsMap option to work
"enablePlayerShaders": true,
// Force them to look like villagers (the player button is not available)
"forceVillagerPlayerModel": false,
// Allow to reopen the editor (will only show name, gender, etc, as clothing and hair are changable via items)
"allowPlayerEditor": true,
// Allow everyone access to the full player editor
"allowFullPlayerEditor": true,
// use names as in pre 7.3.2 instead of international names
"useModernUSANamesOnly" = false,
// A detailed priority list of targets guards will attack
// Negative means ignore
// The higher, the more dangerous, the higher the priority
"guardsTargetEntities": {
"minecraft:creeper": -1,
"minecraft:drowned": 2,
"minecraft:evoker": 3,
"minecraft:husk": 2,
"minecraft:illusioner": 3,
"minecraft:pillager": 3,
"minecraft:ravager": 3,
"minecraft:vex": 0,
"minecraft:vindicator": 4,
"minecraft:zoglin": 2,
"minecraft:zombie": 4,
"minecraft:zombie_villager": 3,
"minecraft:spider": 0,
"minecraft:skeleton": 0,
"minecraft:slime": 0,
"mcafemale_zombie_villager": 3,
"mcamale_zombie_villager": 3
// Currently only used to define valid places to teleport on
"villagerPathfindingBlacklist": [
// Structures that can be mentioned in Rumors conversation option
"structuresInRumors": [
// Locations where Destiny feature will teleport the player
"destinyLocations": [
// Used for specifying if a structure has any additional translations
"destinyLocationsToTranslationMap": {
"shipwreck_beached": "destiny.story.sailing",
"default": "destiny.story.travelling"
// Options for professionConversionsMap and shaderLocationsMap.
// Designed to be able to use clothing from another profession, if your mod does not supply any to us
// Only Adult clothing is used in this, baby and child clothing remains unchanged.
"professionConversionsMap": {
"your_mod:your_profession": "mca:guard",
"default": "minecraft:blacksmith"
// If the camera entity has the specified trait, it'll apply the shader, and remove it when the current camera entity does not.
// Requires `enablePlayerShaders` to be true to utilize this feature
"shaderLocationsMap": {
"color_blind": "minecraft:shaders/post/desaturate.json"
// Option for playerRendererBlacklist
// Allows you to disable certain render elements of the player model if certain mods are present
// Supported Values: arms, left_arm, right_arm, all, block_player, block_villager
"playerRendererBlacklist": {
"firstperson": "arms",
"epicfight": "all",
"firstpersonmod": "arms"
// A map of all possible tax items with their value in units.
// Every item has the same chance of being picked, until taxes are fully paid off.
// If the item is too expensive (value larger than available tax budget) it may randomly not get picked.
"taxesMap": {
"minecraft:emerald": 1.0
Sirben Cult Was Here