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List of verbs

CoolAs edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 3 revisions

List of verbs

Identifier Verb Example Notes
1 To be He is a boy.
2 To have The person has a house.
3 May May I go?
They may leave.
4 Can The boy can talk.
5 To like She likes to talk.
6 Must The food must be nice .
7 Should We should study.
The event should start.
8 To need Humans need food.
9 To want She wants to eat food.
10 To like She likes the park.
11 To need The food needs to be nice .
12 To come He comes to my school.
13 To go He went to my school.
14 To want She wants a horse.
15 To land The plane landed.
16 To fly The bird flies.
17 To sail She sails to China.
18 To walk The man walked to the park.
19 To wait The children waited for their mother.
20 To wash He is washing the apples.
21 To swim The fish are swimming in the sea.
22 To talk He talked with his father.
23 To tell She told her mother that fish are swimming.
24 To take He took the apple.
25 To taste She tastes the cake.
26 To teach The nurse teaches a sick person.
27 To test The manager tests the machine.
28 To think He thinks.
29 To travel He travelled to China by plane.
30 To act The President acts.
31 To answer The prisoner answered a policeman.
32 To attack The policeman was attacked.
33 To attempt She attempted to wash the automobile.
34 To base Her argument was based on experiments.
35 To bite The dog bit the meat.
36 To blow He blows the petals.
37 To boil She boiled the water.
38 To brake He braked.
39 To break He broke the machine.
40 To burn He burnt the tree.
41 To burst He burst a balloon.
42 To beat He beats the victim.
43 To become She became tired .
44 To buy He bought a lime.
45 To care The mother cares for her children.
46 To cook She cooked the food.
47 To copy He copied the book.
48 To cough He coughed.
49 To crack The ice cracked.
50 To crush The machine crushes the nuts.
51 To cry The father cried.
52 To cut The boy cut the cake.
53 To check He checked that the bird was blue .
54 To call He called her.
55 To charge The lawyer charged him with murder.
56 To change He changed the file.
57 To choose The man chooses the food.
58 To claim The victim claims that the woman beat him.
59 To code He coded the computer program.
60 Obsolete . Obsolete . Obsolete .
61 To combine He combined the flour and the sugar.
62 To complain The man complained about the patience of the teacher.
63 To cost The gift costs a lot of money.
64 To cook Can you cook a cake?
65 To damage The development of the city is damaging the economy.
66 Obsolete . Obsolete . Obsolete .
67 To develop He developed the idea.
68 To do What are you doing?
69 To doubt The policeman doubted the documents.
70 To drain He drained the water.
71 To drink He drinks the water.
72 To drive He drives to the organization.
73 To drop The bird dropped the egg.
74 To dry She dried the pan.
75 To dust He dusted the house.
76 To dance He danced with her.
77 To decrease The price decreased.
78 To demand I demand to see the evidence. One uses this verb with an other verb.
79 To deposit The manager was depositing the money.
80 To drift The boat starts to drift. In water.
81 To dip He dipped the strawberries in chocolate.
82 Obsolete . Obsolete . Obsolete .
83 To dive He dived into the water.
84 To dream He was dreaming during the night.
85 Obsolete . Obsolete . Obsolete .
86 To drop The Prince dropped the glass of water.
87 To affect The government affects the economy.
88 To end He ended the game.
89 To exchange The farmer exchanged his horse for a cow.
90 To exist A government thinks that China does not exist.
91 To employ The manager employed the person.
92 To envy He envies the people which code.
93 To explode The bomb explodes.
94 To export China exports computers.
95 To face The ship faces the shore.
96 To fall The ball falls.
97 To be afraid He is afraid of spiders.
98 To fight The boys fought.
99 To fire They fired their guns.
100 To fold The man folds the newspaper.
101 To force He forced the box into the hole.
102 To form The four points form a square.
103 To ferment The grapes have fermented.
104 To fertilize The farmer fertilized the soil.
105 Obsolete .
106 To flood The house was flooded.
107 To focus I focus on my homework.
108 To forgive The victim forgave the man.
109 To fracture His leg fractured.
110 To flow The river flows.
111 To freeze The water froze.
112 To give The boy gives the girl two flowers.
113 To grip The man grips a hammer.
114 To grow The children grow.
115 To grease The man greases the screw.
116 To guarantee The manager guarantees that the machine will function.
117 To guess The student guesses.
118 To hang The picture hangs on the wall.
119 To hate The secretary hates pressure.
120 To hear The woman hears the music.
121 To heat The fire heats the man.
122 To help The secretary helps the President.
123 To hope The manager hopes that people work.
124 To hiss The snake hisses.
125 To hire The manager hires people.
126 To hold He held a bird.
127 To hunt The man hunts the animal.
128 To hurry The engineer hurries.
129 To imagine A person imagines a parcel that comes to a school.
130 To import We import computers.
131 To integrate The mayor integrates the people into civilization.
132 To intercept The policeman intercepted the parcel.
133 To input I input my password.
134 To join You join the club.
135 To judge He judged her.
136 To jump The person jumped.
137 To keep He kept the books.
138 To kick He kicked the football.
139 To kiss He kisses her.
140 To laugh I laugh.
141 To learn He is learning english.
142 To lift He lifts the bags.
143 To live The animal lives.
144 To love She loves him.
145 To load The game is loading.
146 To look The cake looks nasty .
147 To make She makes a blanket.
148 To marry They were married.
149 To match The child matches the colors.
150 To move He moves the box.
151 To melt The fire melts the ice.
152 To highlight He highlights the sentence.
153 To neglect The boy neglects his sister.
154 To note She noted that the sponge is wet .
155 To offer He offerred his food.
156 To open The father opens the door.
157 To overlap The cards overlap.
158 To output The machine outputs cloth.
159 To paint The man paints the roof.
160 To play He plays the game.
161 To polish The girl polishes her two shoes.
162 To plant The five men planted the vegetables.
163 To process The computer program will process the data.
164 To produce The machine produced nails.
165 To protest The people protest.
166 To pull He pulled the string.
167 To pump The machine pumped the water.
168 To punish The father punishes his son.
169 To push She pushed the button.
170 To put The lawyer put the newspaper on to the table.
171 To program He is programming a computer program.
172 To practise She practised.
173 To praise He praised her.
174 To promise She promises that she does her homework.
175 To purchase The manager purchased the plane.
176 To play He played the game.
177 To part She parted her hair.
178 To question The policeman questioned the men.
179 To ask He asked a question.
180 To read She reads a book.
181 To record He recorded the conversation.
182 To regret She regretted that she choose it.
183 To request We request that you go to the restraunt.
184 To respect Boy respects his father.
185 To rest She rests.
186 To roll The ball rolls.
187 To rub He rubs his arms.
188 To run She ran to the Museum.
189 To race Obsolete .
190 To receive He received the money.
191 To rent You rented an automobile.
192 To repair She repaired the machine.
193 To rust The iron rusted.
194 To rain It is raining.
195 To say She said that the insect is red .
196 To see He saw the red insect.
197 To send He sent the good parcel.
198 To shake The baby shook the bottle.
199 To shut The woman shut the door.
200 To sleep The baby is sleeping.
201 To slip The cat slips and it falls.
202 To smash He smashed the window.
203 To smell She smells the flowers.
204 To smile He smiles.
205 To sneeze She sneezed.
206 To snow It is snowing.
207 To stamp She stamped the letter.
208 To start He started the process.
209 To stop She will stop the process.
210 To save The file was saved.
211 To search We are searching for the document.
212 To share He shares the food.
213 To shave He shaves.
214 To show He shows her the painting.
215 To spit She spits.
216 To splash The children were splashing themselves.
217 To stain She stained her dress.
218 To study We are studying.
219 To switch He switched his dirty shirt for a clean shirt.
220 To touch He touched the stone.
221 To trade He traded his red shirt for a blue shirt.
222 To trick I tricked my brother.
223 To turn She is turning the screw.
224 To twist She is twisting the screw.
225 To tie He tied the string.
226 To tune She tuned the violin.
227 To understand He understood her.
228 To use You are using a computer.
229 To undo She undid the string.
230 To vote He voted for the President.
231 Obsolete .
232 To watch She watched the birds.
233 To wave He waves.
234 To work I am working.
235 To yawn The child yawns.
236 To arrive She arrived.
237 To fly He flew the plane.
238 To eat She ate the cheese.
239 To carry He carried the box.
240 To possess She possessed a telephone.
241 To mean It means tunnel.
242 To allow
243 To leave He left game.
244 To find She found her coat.
245 To show Obsolete .
246 To require Animals require food.
247 To stay He stays in China.
248 To speak I speak english.
249 To remove She removed the ink from the paper.
250 To sense He sensed the danger.
251 To try She tried to wash the automobile.
252 To establish We established a business.
253 To hit He hit the table.
254 To protect She protected him.
255 To be Obsolete .
256 To function It functions.
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