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An AngularJS Material Boilerplate using angular-generator and angular design plus extras!

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See a Live example of this boilerplate here: Material Boilerplate Live


This is an AngularJS Material Design base for future websites and projects.

I've made this because I was frustrated with the other boilerplates / material angular examples out there and decided to do something about it.

I'll update as regularly as I can and Contribution / Stars / Feedback is more than welcome, just open a new issue to help out!


Out of the box this Repo contains examples of:

Why material-boilerplate ?


  • Angular Material layout and flex options can easily configure HTML containers.
  • Angular Material components, no bootstrap involved here!
  • A 360 UI built around the ng-view with Left and Right <md-sidenav>, <md-bottomsheet> & global <md-toolbar> containing auto generated Breadcrums.
  • Custom controller for $mdBottomSheet with HTML partial template.
  • A set of html partial templates and directives for things such as unique menu buttons.
  • Responsive breakpoints and $mdMedia are used.
  • Using the $mdThemingProvider for quick app theme configuration.
  • Using expanded Angular Material SASS files for more customisation than ngMaterial gives you out the box.
  • ARIA warnings used in the beautiful contact form.
  • Menu factory in place to automatically create a beautiful side menu as used on material.angularjs.or.
  • Best practice examples of $timeout, $location, $rootScope, $window.
  • $mdToast seamlessly integrated for notifications .
  • $animate used app wide for smooth transitions and a consistent feel.
  • angular-loading-bar has been set up to work autonomously, providing a loading bar for http requests, alerting your users to progress without you having to write a single word of Javascript!
  • ngMdIcons are implimented app wide to replace <md-icon> directive and its limited supply of SVGs out the box.

Yeoman generator-angular

This project is generated with yo angular generator version 0.11.1, so following their commands will work in this built repo, some examples:

yo angular:route blog 

Generates a controller + view for your blog section and generates Karma test for the controller.

Setting up

cd into a parent folder you'd like the project to live in

Then Clone this Repo:

git clone {{YOUR FOLDER NAME}}

Then cd into your new project root:


Then to set up the project ready for use:

npm install && bower install

NOTE: Untill I find time to iron out all kinks, if you get any errors with the above command just run npm install again then bower install again seperatley..

Once this has been ran then you can ensure the quality of the install by serving it locally with grunt serve

This will serve the app onto http://localhost:9000/

Build & development

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.


  • Readme
    1. List all modules
    2. Intro
    3. Complete TODO list
    4. Contribution Network
  • resolve bower package conflicts
  • clean up controllers and HTML
  • test / shim backwards compatible browsers
  • Annotate Code...

Known Issues:

  • Right Nav rendering issue on mobile browsers (seperating nav menu into partial view should fix this)


An AngularJS Material Boilerplate using angular-generator and angular design plus extras!






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