SwiftUI MVVM project to get top news from API, filter them by category and save favorite
News is an application for fans to read the latest news. The user can receive the latest news by categories offered in the application or by searching for the information of interest. Articles can be saved for convenient return to them later.
- receiving the latest news from the API
- sorting by categories: general, business, science, technology, health, entertainment, sports
- the ability to save articles that are liked or to read later
- the ability to share the article through third-party applications, or copy the link
- search for articles by any user request and search through saved articles
- recent search history list
- reading articles in-app based on Safari
- articles are loaded using pagination
- SwiftUI
- URLSession
- Task, Async Await, and Actors
- AsyncImage
- Refreshable and SwipeAction on List
- Swift Searchable modifier
- Pagination