INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Successfully initialized readme
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Loading aboutme.ts...
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Sucessfully loaded aboutme.ts
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Transpiling aboutme.ts to javascript...
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Successfully transpiled aboutme.ts.
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Lets know more about me
class About extends Me {
private personalInfo: MyPersonalInformation,
private skills: string[],
private languages: LanguageItem[],
) {
this.personalInfo = this.getPersonalInformation();
this.skills = this.getSkills();
this.languages = this.getLanguages();
getPersonalInformation(): MyPersonalInformation {
const personalInformation: MyPersonalInformation = {
firstName: "Ivan",
middleName: "Francisco",
lastName: "Miragaya",
age: 23,
currentLocation: "Buenos Aires, Argentina",
techInterests: ['Web3', 'Ethereum', 'Blockchain', 'Cryptography-based auth'];
return personalInformation;
getSkills(): string[] {
const hardSkills: string[] = ['Microservices-architecture', 'Event-driven workflows', 'Syncronous workflows']
const softSkills: string[] = [
'Clean coder (clean architecture)',
'SOLID enthusiast',
return [...hardSkills, ...softSkills];
getLanguages(): LanguageItem[] {
return [
language: 'English',
level: 'Professional (B2 certified)'
language: 'Spanish',
level: 'Native'
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Fetching magic tools...
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Response status: 200
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Displaying results...
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Fetching ongoing trainings...
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Response status: 200
INFO - [M-Ivan Github profile] - Displaying results...
Im currently learning about cloud architecture. Taking the courses from Adrian Cantrill in
- Last stop 🚏 AWS - Certified developer associate