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=== Maps by - live community and private maps for anything ===
Contributors: mmediagroup
Donate link:
Tags: cartes,, leaflet, map, maps, mapping, markers, google maps, community maps
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.0.1
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Free maps and markers. Create private or publicly-editable maps on your website.

== Description ==

This plugin lets you create free anonymous live maps on your website. You can also unlock your maps so that other people can contribute to it.

Need to show all your business locations? Create a private map and mark the spots so that your customers know where to visit you.

You can also create maps that your visitors can contribute to! For example: want to gather your customers favorite restaurants? Create an unlocked and public map for restaurants that anyone can contribute to!

Need more inspiration? Install the plugin and check out "Discover Maps".

= Create custom maps =

To create a map, follow these easy steps:
1. Install and activate the plugin
2. Under "Maps", choose "Add New"
3. Edit your map as needed (and create markers on your map by right clicking)
4. Use your map anywhere on your site using the `[cartes_map]` shortcode, or use one of the alternative ways to share the map as presented on the map screen

= Discovering community maps =

To integrate a public map, follow these easy steps:
1. Install and activate the plugin
2. Under "Maps", choose "Discover Maps"
3. Open the map you are interested in
4. Use your map anywhere on your site using the `[cartes_map]` shortcode, or use one of the alternative ways to share the map as presented on the map screen

== Features ==

1. 100% free
2. Make private or public maps with custom markers
3. Lockable maps: Lock your map from new markers or unlock it to allow all your site visitors to contribute
4. Live data from maps around the world: use an existing public map (or create your own) to get live data from the community
5. Integrate with Zapier or API - create markers on your maps via Zapier (or via the Cartes API)

== Installation ==

1. Search for the " maps" plugin in Plugins > Add New.
2. Press "Install Now".
3. When the installation is complete, press "Activate plugin".
4. Go to Maps > Add New to create your first map.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Is it free? =

Yes, this plugin is free to use.

= What is = is a platform initially used to report incidents that may be dangerous during times of unrest or protest. Now it allows anyone to create maps and markers for any purpose; inspired by anonymous image hosting sites like Imgur, this is the map equivalent.

== Screenshots ==

1. Create and manage maps and markers right from the admin dashboard.
2. Discover awesome public and interactive maps made by the community.
3. Place your maps anywhere on your site with shortcodes. You can also let your website visitors contribute to your maps, if you want.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =
* Version bump.

= 1.0 =
* Initial commit.

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0.1 =
If you're not on 1.0.1 - are you really living?

== Privacy policy ==
Location data can be quite sensitive, so we take great care in protecting your privacy. Here's a link to the [privacy policy](, the service provider.