A curated list of awesome crop simulation models, frameworks, libraries and software (by language).
- DSSAT - The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT).
- WOFOST - FORTRAN version of the WOrld FOod STudies (WOFOST) crop simulation model.
- PCSE - Python Crop Simulation Environment (PCSE/WOFOST).
- ApsimX - ApsimX is the next generation of APSIM.
- MONICA - MONICA is a dynamic, process-based simulation model which describes transport and bio-chemical turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and water in agro-ecosystems.
- Daisy-model - Daisy crop model.
- AgroTool - AgroTool crop model.
- DNDC - DNDC (i.e., DeNitrification-DeComposition) is a computer simulation model of carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry in agro-ecosystems.
- EPIC - Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) Model.
- CropSyst - CropSyst is a is a user-friendly, conceptually simple but sound multi-year multi-crop daily time step simulation model.
- AquaCrop - AquaCrop is a crop growth model developed by the Land and Water Division of FAO to address food security and to assess the effect of environment and management on crop production.
- LPJmL - The model LPJmL ("Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land") is designed to simulate vegetation composition and distribution as well as stocks and land-atmosphere exchange flows of carbon and water, for both natural and agricultural ecosystems.
- pyDSSAT - Python Interface for Crop Model DSSAT.
- PCSE - Python Crop Simulation Environment (PCSE/WOFOST).
- AquaCrop - AquaCrop-OSPy: Python implementation of AquaCrop-OS.
- ProSail - PROSAIL combines the leaf optical properties model PROSPECT with the turbid medium canopy radiative transfer model SAIL.
- EPIC - Framework to create EPIC input files, run the model and extract outputs.
- PyAEZ - Python package consisted of many algorithms related to Agro-ecological zoning (AEZ) framework.
- apsimNGpy This Python package facilitates the editing, execution, management of soils, and manipulation of weather data for APSIM Next Generation files. It also includes a standalone evaluation module.
- AquaCrop - R Tools for crop simulations with Aquacrop V6.
- DSSAT-R - R Interface for Crop Model DSSAT.
- Apsim - R package for APSIM-X.
- epicrop - Simulation Modelling of Crop Diseases Using a Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) Model.
- CropWatR - Implementation of FAO 56 (similar to CropWat, but with expanded features) in R.
- AgMIP - Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project
- ISRIC - World Soil Information.
- Quantitative Plant - Website presenting image analysis software tools and models for plants
- SoilGrids - Global spatial predictions of soil properties and classes at 250 m resolution.