This is a basic Ruby on Rails web app for invoices and earnings reports, completed from start to finish within 4 1/2 days. All team members had only 3 weeks of intensive training on Ruby and RoR before starting this project.
Team members and roles:
- Mollie Knute - Team lead, idea inception, database and front-end design, at-large merging and troubleshooting, URL-paramatization of reports
- Ryan Reyes - Stripe API integration, heavy research into Prawn gem (ultimately not integrated into project)
- Pete Kang - Reports functionality
- Garrick Kwong - Company dashboard, CRUD functionality using Bootstrap modals
Thank you CodingDojo for providing us with the training and opportunity to do this exciting project!
Versions used:
- Rails v. 4.2.6
- Ruby v. 2.2.1p85
- PostgreSQL v. 9.3.11
- Bootstrap v. 3.2.0