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Oliver Beckstein edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 40 revisions

Code style guidelines

(For background and history see Issue #404, which contains the original discussion on the Style Guide.)

Coding Style

MDAnalysis is a project with a long history and many contributors and hasn't used a consistent coding style. Since version 0.11.0 we are trying to update all the code to conform with PEP8. Our strategy is to update the style every time we touch an old function and thus switch to PEP8 continuously.

Important requirements

  • keep line length to 79 characters or less; break long lines sensibly
  • indent with spaces and use 4 spaces per level
  • naming (follows PEP8):
    • classes: CapitalClasses (i.e. capitalized nouns without spaces)
    • methods and functions: underscore_methods (lower case, with underscores for spaces)

Python 2/3 compatibility

MDAnalysis strives to be compatible with python 2 and 3 at the same time. To deal with the differences we use six which takes care of loading the appropriate functions for each version of python. So instead of xrange or iterzip use the zip and range function provided by six like this.

from six.moves import zip, range

for i,j in zip(range(3), range(3)):
    print(i, j)

Code Linter

We recommend that you either use a Python IDE (PyCharm and others). You can also use external tools like flake8. For integration of external tools with emacs and vim check out elpy (emacs) and python-mode (vim).

Code Formatter

To apply the code formatting in an automated way you can also use code formatters. As external tools there are autopep8 and yapf. Most IDE's either have their own code formatter or will work with one of the above through plugins.

Importing modules

  • Any modules from the standard library can be used, as well as the following nonstandard libraries:

    • numpy
    • biopython
    • gridDataFormats
    • networkx

    because these packages are always installed.

    scipy is optional and not guaranteed to be installed.

    If you must depend on new external package, discuss its use on the developer mailing list or as part of the issue/PR. For independent modules in MDAnalysis.analysis or MDAnalysis.visualization, there are fewer restrictions, except that a user who does not have a required package installed must still be able to import everything else in MDAnalysis. Your module should print a message notifying the user that a specific additional package needs to be installed.

  • Imports should all happen at the start of a module (not inside Classes or functions). The exception to this is when dealing with non essential dependencies (such as in analysis), which can be nested inside the Class or function to allow to package to work without them.

  • Libraries must be imported in the following order:

    • future
    • global imports
    • local imports

use absolute imports in the library (i.e. relative imports must be explicitly indicated), e.g.,

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

import .core
import ..units
  • In the testsuite, use the order above, but import MDAnalysis modules before MDAnalysisTests imports

  • Do not use relative imports (e.g. import .datafiles) in the test suite because it breaks running the tests from inside the test directory (see #189)

  • Never import the MDAnalysis module from the of MDAnalysisTests or from any of its plugins (it's ok to import from test files). Importing MDAnalysis from the test setup code will cause severe coverage underestimation.

Writing Docstrings

Since 0.11.0 we adopted the use of numpy-style doc strings. They are nice to read as normal text and are converted by sphinx to normal ReST through napoleon. All previous doc-strings are using pure ReST, and we use the same approach as for the coding-style here. When you touch a function please update its docstring to follow the numpy-style. All new functions should have numpy-style docstrings.

def func(arg1, arg2):
    """Summary line.

    Extended description of function.

    arg1 : int
        Description of arg1
    arg2 : str
        Description of arg2

        Description of return value

    return True

Code organization

Package and test suite

The source code is distributed over the package directory (the library and documentation) and the testsuite (test code and data files). Commits can contain code in both directories, e.g. a new feature and a test case can be committed together.

Compiled code

MDAnalysis contains compiled code (cython, C, C++) in addition to pure Python. With #444 we agreed on the following layout:

Place all source files for compiled shared object files into the same folder as the final shared object file.

*.pyx files and cython-generated *.c would be in the same directory as the *.so. External dependent C/C++/Fortran libraries are in dedicated src and include folders. See the following tree as an example.

      |   |--
      |   |-- distances.pyx
      |   |-- distances.c
      |-- coordinates
          |-- src
              |-- dcd.c
          |-- include
              |-- dcd.h

This is standard. See numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, mdtraj, for other examples.

Commit messages

Follow git commits.

Writing Tests

For now, see Writing Tests (but that needs to be cleaned up). In short:

  • changes and additions in the core (everything except MDAnalysis.analysis and MDAnalysis.visualization): unit tests are mandatory

  • changes and additions to

    • MDAnalysis.analysis
    • MDAnalysis.visualization

    Tests are highly encouraged (and anyone reviewing commits can ask for at least minimal tests)

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