0.21.0 (2022-12-12)
client: add env vars to display an app banner (#1688 ) (f6fcab2 )
Bug Fixes
api,deps: bump bensampo/laravel-enum in /backend (#1678 ) (0e0295e )
api,deps: bump laravel/scout from 9.4.12 to 9.5.0 in /backend (#1677 ) (c5eb8f2 )
api,deps: bump laravel/scout from 9.5.0 to 9.5.1 in /backend (#1692 ) (a89b5f5 )
api,deps: bump nuwave/lighthouse from 5.67.0 to 5.68.0 in /backend (#1666 ) (7afefe9 )
api,deps: bump nuwave/lighthouse from 5.68.0 to 5.68.1 in /backend (#1681 ) (6c8cf9a )
app,deps: bump @apollo/client from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 in /client (#1679 ) (6cdb4bc )
app,deps: bump @quasar/extras from 1.15.6 to 1.15.7 in /client (#1671 ) (fc901bf )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-bold in /client (#1672 ) (bc4f901 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-bold in /client (#1684 ) (811e1be )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-bold in /client (#1693 ) (551d9b1 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-highlight in /client (#1669 ) (14985df )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-highlight in /client (#1685 ) (0ae7def )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-highlight in /client (#1694 ) (a4e0b23 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-italic in /client (#1668 ) (60cf78b )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-italic in /client (#1683 ) (2eef537 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-italic in /client (#1698 ) (4552583 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-ordered-list in /client (#1667 ) (814b0be )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-ordered-list in /client (#1682 ) (9c7c570 )
app,deps: bump @tiptap/extension-ordered-list in /client (#1695 ) (40ce642 )
app,deps: bump axios from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 in /client (#1675 ) (53e9ce0 )
build: fix missing args in dockerfile (#1700 ) (7689b10 )
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