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Arnaud Ceol edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 2 revisions

Regular expression

Plenty of documentation about regular expressions can be found on the web. We provide here some basic rules and examples of regular expressions that could be used to define the separators.

  • single character: such as ; or , or .. The line will be split when the character is encountered.
  • the vertical bar "|": is a boolean operator. It means that the separator can be either the character before or the character after the vertical bar (e.g.: ;|,|. the line will be split each time a ".", a "," or a ";" will be encountered).
  • special characters: like "|". Such a caracter has a meaning in a regular expression so it has to be protected if we want to use it as a separator. The protection is made by using the caracter"". For using the separator "|" we would have to write |.
  • code for tabulation: \t
  • code for new line:\n
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