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This repository provides a Zabbix Monitoring Templates for Starwind vSAN. HTTP web requests are used to gather values. This template works without zabbix agent. Values are retrived by querying the api

Known Issues

This template causes RAM Overflow at the moment. Be aware


This is NOT a offical template. I am NOT related to starwind other than being a (happy) customer. Use this template at your own Risk. Have fun with it (:


  1. Create a user zbx in the starwind web interface.
  2. Download the template and import into zabbix
  3. Create a host for each of your starwind nodes you want to monitor and link the template
  4. Modify the macro {$STWI.NODENAME}. Enter Name of your Node. This is Case sensitive.
  5. Modify the macro {$STWI.PW}. Enter password of created zbx user in cleartext.
  6. Modify the macro {$STWI.URL}. Enter url of your node. Remember to put a / at the end

Discovery rules

Name Description Type Key and additional info
Discover Services Discovers Systemd services via the API. Creates Item and trigger for each discoverd Service. Only services in {$SERVICES_REGEX_ALLOW} will be discoverd Dependent Item
Discover Update Components Turns out the way Starwind Web interface deals with updates is that there are two diffrent compnentens that are updadeted seperatly. I figured to make it somewhat future proof I will create a discovery rule for it. It be overkill though. Dependent Item stwi.discoverUpdate.Components
Get Disk Metrics Discovers Disc Metrics Dependent Item
Starwind Discover Sync Performance Values Discovers a bunch of Sync related values
Starwind Discover Virtual Disk Status Discovers Status of Virtual Disks

Items collected

Name Description Type Key and additional info
starwind vSAN Update State Retrives information about Starwind Update Status and starts update search. This is why this item needs a big timeout Script Item stwi.updateState
starwind vSAN request Virtual Disk Metrics Collects a wide number of Virutal Disk Metrics Script Item stwi.reqMetrics
starwind vSAN request Host information Collects a information about the host Script Item stwi.getHost
starwind systemd services Retrives information about systemd services Script Item
Service {#TITLE} Data Retrives Information about service. This Item does not store Data Dependent Item stwi.getService[{#ID}]
Service {#TITLE} status Status of service Dependent Item stwi.getServices.Status[{#ID}]
Update information for package {#NAME} Retrives Update Informations for package. Does not store any Data Dependent Item stwi.getUpdateData[{#NAME}-{#COMPNAME}]
Installed version for Package {#NAME} Version Number of installed package Dependent Item stwi.package.version[{#NAME}-{#COMPNAME}]
Available version for Package {#NAME} Version Number of available package. If this Number is higher than the installed Version Number a update is available Dependent Item stwi.package.availversion[{#NAME}-{#COMPNAME}]
Get Disk Metrics for {#NODEID} Retrives Disk Metric for your Starwind Node. Does not store Data Script Item[{#NODEID}]
Read Bytes for {#NODENAME} Read Bytes Dependent Item[{#NODEID}]
Write Bytes for {#NODENAME} Write Bytes Dependent item[{#NODEID}]
Get Sync Metrics for {#VOLUME} Retrives Sync related Metrics. Does not hold data Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Estimated Time till sync is finished on {#VOLUME} (in Seconds) Gives you an estimate how many seconds till the sync is finished. This might not be 100% acruate Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Not Synchronized Bytes on {#VOLUME} Not Synced Bytes Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Synchronized Bytes on {#VOLUME} Synced Bytes Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Synchronized Percents of {#VOLUME} Shows how many bytes in percent are synced. 100% means starwind is synchronized. This Item makes for a good gauge item Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Sync Status for {#VOLUME} Shows status of sync Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Availability of Virtual Disk {#VOLUME} Shows if Disk is highly_available, simple or downgraded Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]
Get Metrics from {#VOLUME} of {#NODENAME} Retrives volume metrics like status and availabilty. No data is stored Dependent Item stwi.discoverMetrics[{#VOLUME}]
Get Status from Virtual Disk {#VOLUME} Shows if disk is online, under maintenacne or ony other status Dependent Item[{#VOLUME}]


Name Description Expression Priority
Starwind API is unreachable Triggers if the Starwind API is not reachable last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/[Availability of API])<>0 High
Service {#TITLE} is not running Service is not running last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/stwi.getServices.Status[{#ID}])<>"running" Warning
Installed version for Package {#NAME} is outdated A new version of a package can be installed last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/stwi.package.version[{#NAME}-{#COMPNAME}])<>last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/stwi.package.availversion[{#NAME}-{#COMPNAME}]) Information
Availability of Virtual Disk {#VOLUME} has degraded Virtual Disk is degraded and likey not highly_avaliable anymore last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/[{#VOLUME}])<>"highly_available" Warning
Status from Virtual Disk {#VOLUME} has changed Status has changed last(/Starwind VSAN by HTTPv2/[{#VOLUME}])<>"online" Warning


Thank you Starwind for letting me publish this template. Special thanks go to Yaroslav. His dedication made this possible.


I do not offer Support for any of my templates. I publish my templates so fellow Sysadmins have a starting point. If do need help however please open a issue and I will try to help best effort.


If want to make this template better please make a PR, if you need help please open an issue.


A simple Starwind Monitoring Template for Zabbix





