Welcome to the ML Domain of DSC KIET, a community of machine learning enthusiasts who are dedicated to learning ML and building AI applications. Our student development team is enthusiastic about learning about the latest trends and breakthroughs in the field of machine learning and applying this knowledge to create new projects.
At DSC KIET, we strive to create an ecosystem of programmers and developers on our campus by helping them learn and build projects. We achieve this by organizing hackathons, events, codelabs, and meetups to engage student developers and provide them with opportunities to showcase their skills and learn from experts in the field. Our community is enthusiastic about machine learning, and we encourage members to share their ideas and projects with the rest of the community. We believe that collaboration is key to success, and we welcome everyone who is interested in ML to join us and become part of our community.
- Harsh Sharma 2024:
- Kushagra Srivastava (@kushagrathisside)
- Kaustubh Gupta 2025:
- Manas Rai (@manasrai1406) ML Lead
- Ananya Srivastava (@Ananya)
- Ritika Singh ritikasingh1808
- Shantanu Mishra (@shantanu-mishraa)
- Shahnawaz (@shahnawazdev)
- Yashraj Singh (@yashrajcan) 2026:
- Ashutosh Singh (@AshutoshSingh1028)
- Mohit Kumar Singh (@metechmohit)
- Chaitanya SainiChaitany23
- Abhimanyu JaiswalCodexAbhi
- Himanshu Singh him1308
- Yash Bhardwaj Yash-Bhardwaj2005
- Harshita Mishra Harshitamishraz8
If you are interested in machine learning and want to connect with other like-minded individuals, then we invite you to join the DSC-KIET ML Domain. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, we welcome everyone who is passionate about ML.
To join our community, simply follow the steps below:
- Visit our official [website](https://dsckiet.com) and click on the "Become a member" on the footer.
- Fill out the membership form and submit it.
- Once we review your application, we will send you an email with instructions on how to join our community.