MPFuzz a parallel fuzzing tool designed to secure IoT messaging protocols through collaborative packet generation. The approach leverages the critical role of certain fields within IoT messaging protocols that specify the logic for message forwarding and processing by protocol brokers. In this repository, we put a prototype version of MPFuzz. It is implemented in C# language and reuses the structure of Pits, also the basic running framework of the traditional black-box Peach Fuzzer (community version v3.0). The executable files are all in the directory executable.
- build-essential
- automake
- libtool
- libc6-dev-i386
- python-pip
- g++-multilib
- mono-complete
- python-software-properties
- software-properties-common
Install automake, mono package and some required packages
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential automake libtool libc6-dev-i386 python-pip g++-multilib mono-complete python-software-properties software-properties-common
./waf configure
./waf install -j 8 -o output
Setup environment variables:
append the following entries in the shell configuration file (~/.bashrc
export PATH=/path-to-mpfuzz/:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path-to-mpfuzz/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
or execute the following shell (not always safe!):
cd /dev/shm
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1 of=${name-of-pool}
Hint: $name-of-pool
should be replaced by any name you like.
Single fuzzing instance running command
export SHM_POOL_ENV=/dev/shm/${name-of-pool}
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe --usepool /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/samples/HelloWorld.xml
Use the Process
Monitor to launch the server under test. The monitor will save the crash information when the server crashes.
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe server.xml
Run the fuzzing instances in different terminals without the monitor, while setting the same environment variable SHM_POOL_ENV
to indicate the global field pool.
export SHM_POOL_ENV=/dev/shm/${name-of-pool}
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe --usepool test_f1.xml &
export SHM_POOL_ENV=/dev/shm/${name-of-pool}
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe --usepool test_f2.xml &
export SHM_POOL_ENV=/dev/shm/${name-of-pool}
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe --usepool test_fn.xml &
Use the
MutationStrategy for each instances.
Options for using field pool to sync key field between fuzzing instances.
--usepool: MPFuzz use the field pools to sync information between instances;
MPFuzz command line program:
- MPFuzz.exe
MPFuzz Engine (based on Peach's framework):
- MPFuzz.Core.dll
- MPFuzz.Core.OS.Linux.dll
- MPFuzz.Core.Test.dll
- MPFuzz.Core.Test.OS.Linux.dll
Thirdparty dependence:
- NLog.dll
- Ionic.Zip.dll
- nunit.framework.dll
- Renci.SshNet.dll
- SharpPcap.dll
- ZeroMQ.dll
- PacketDotNet.dll
(1) Don't restart on each test
<Agent name="LocalAgent">
<Monitor class="Process">
<Param name="Executable" value="/path-to-under-test-program/" />
<Param name="Arguments" value="...options..." />
<Param name="RestartOnEachTest" value="false" />
<Param name="FaultOnEarlyExit" value="true" />
<Test name="Default">
<Agent ref="LocalAgent" />
Attribute 'sync' for specifies the fields that need to be synchronized, similar to the usage of the attribute mutable, but the default value is false
For example, in MQTT protocol:
<Topic name="topic" size="64" value="tpc/test" endian="network" mutable="true" sync="true"/>
For example, in AMQP protocol:
<URI name="routekey" size="72" value="route.key" endian="network" mutable="true" sync="true"/>
- clang (version 12.0.0+)
Build compiler in directory compiler
, follow the instruction in it.
Replace the original compiler (clang
or gcc
) with MPFuzz-clang
) when building a program, e.g.:
a. autoconf and make:
CC=/path-to-compiler/MPFuzz-clang CXX=/path-to-compiler/MPFuzz-clang++ ./configure [...options...] # change complier
b. cmake:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/path-to-compiler/MPFuzz-clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/path-to-compiler/MPFuzz-clang++ [..options..] ../src # change complier
Before launching the server under test, you need to set two environment variables to help to dump the branch coverage.
dd if=/dev/zero of=${cov_edge_path} bs=10M count=1
dd if=/dev/zero of=${cov_bitmap_path} bs=10M count=1
SHM_ENV_VAR=${cov_bitmap_path} LUCKY_GLOBAL_MMAP_FILE=${cov_edge_path} \
mono /path-to-mpfuzz/output/linux_x86_64_release/bin/mpfuzz.exe server.xml
Then use a python3 script to collect the branch coverage during fuzzing.
python3 ${cov_edge_path} ${cov_file_path} &