Welcome to the Enigma GameDev Challenges, a global initiative by Enigma designed to bring together game developers and creators worldwide. This project focuses on various aspects of game design, from 3D modeling to game logic, while emphasizing contributions that benefit the gaming and developer community.
Objective: Use Blender to model any two chess pieces and design both black and white versions.
Problem Statement:
- Create 3D models for any two chess pieces (e.g., King, Queen, Rook) in Blender, and render both black and white versions.
What to Submit:
- Within the
directory, create a folder with the same name as your username. - Include the following:
- A screenshot of your models (both black and white versions).
- The Blender (.blend) file with both models.
- Within the
Objective: Develop a basic chess game in Godot where the chess pieces move according to their standard rules (e.g., pawns move forward, knights move in an L-shape).
Problem Statement:
- Implement proper movement for chess pieces in Godot. Focus only on basic movement without worrying about capturing or other special rules.
What to Submit:
- Within the
directory, create a folder with the same name as your username. - Include the following:
- The entire project folder.
- A short video showcasing the movement for each piece type.
- Screenshots of the movement code (if possible).
- Within the
Objective: Extend the chess game to include capturing mechanics and implement checks and checkmates. Stalemates, en passant, and castling are not required.
Problem Statement:
- Expand the chess game by adding capturing logic and the ability to detect checks and checkmates.
What to Submit:
- Within the
directory, create a folder with the same name as your username. - Include the following:
- The entire project folder.
- A short video demonstrating capturing mechanics with different pieces.
- A short video demonstrating checks and checkmates.
- Screenshots of the code for capturing, checks, and checkmates (if possible).
- Within the
Objective: Add a creative twist to your chess game. This could be special abilities for certain pieces, changes to the board layout, or other creative modifications.
Problem Statement:
- Introduce a unique twist to the chess game. You can modify the game rules, add abilities to pieces, or introduce dynamic changes to the board.
What to Submit:
- Within the
directory, create a folder with the same name as your username. - Include the following:
- The entire project folder.
- A short video showcasing your twist (optional: explain the twist in the video).
- A README.md file that details the twist and how it works.
- Screenshots of the code for the twist (if possible).
- Within the
Here are some helpful resources to guide you through the challenges:
3D Modeling:
Game Engines:
Game Hosting and Assets:
The Enigma GameDev Challenges not only help you grow your skills in 3D modeling and game development but also give you the chance to contribute to a global community of game developers and innovators. Each submission adds to the collective knowledge of the community and provides inspiration for future projects.
- Fork the Repository: Start by forking this repository and cloning it locally.
- Select a Problem Statement: Choose a problem statement that aligns with your interests or skills.
- Document Your Solution: Follow the guidelines for submission under each level and document your solution clearly, ensuring that others can replicate your work.
- Submit a Pull Request: Once your solution is complete, submit a pull request, making sure it includes all necessary files and documentation within the appropriate directory.
Join the Enigma GameDev Challenges today and become part of a global initiative pushing the boundaries of game development!